Look, ill be honest...
... im a big fan of the visual pleashure of pornography.
In fact; im such a big fan that i started my own porn-firm in 2007. Due to personal problems and challenges, the project never got going more then one single - dressed fotoshoot.
In 2014 i re-orginized the project under a differant name, launced a new website, got some affiliate-ads going, but never took the full step.
Something allways keept me back. I think its 50% family-issues and 50% social issues that kept me back. What allways kept me comeing back tough, was the "free sex" with the beautyful females and the big money.
Okay, question: Why am i so "bonobo" when it comes to sex? I mean, i wasent allways like that. There where a time when i was deeply in love, with that one girl... for ages... I calculated at the time (lets say 12-13 years old) that i been quietly in love with her for 7 years or so. But then there was this period where i got this crush in another girl in the class. And that tom-boy in the B-class where allways nice. I think it was at 13 or so i confessed my love for my 7 year-long crush - via an note. And... i got an note back. Wich absolutely crushed my hart.
Some may then think, that "oh, your over-sexual because she crushed your hart that time", and; well, maby. But it wasent like she was the only one in my mind, tough. I used to fantazise about every single girl at the class. Personally, i rather think its more in my personal-type; what i call "harem-person".
Now, i am open to the "harem-logic" (harem here refering to the chimp's socety-structure where a male can mate with a group of females, and all part's and the rest of society accepts it (lets call it "accepted polygamy")) being caused by social and societyal factors (like feminism supressing my natural sexuality - even in the 90's, and me being sexually frustrated from puberty and as long as the hormon-levels kept a sorten level (until my late 20's)).
I mean, maby i was conditioned by feminism and forced sulibacy to become over-sexual ("bonobo"; a close and over-sexual relative of the chimps), but then again; something gave me an urge for sex. Why not say "okay; no sex for me, no worries"? Tough this could not strike my mind until my late 20's (28-29 years of age). Only a drop of hormon-level could calm my soul and my needs. And now im for the first time considering merrage, despite my perants never been merried.
But: rather then "the social condition" hypothesis, i belive more in an biological explaination: I am an harem-person, by nature. Wich in pratice means that i would like to live as the late Playboy-founder Heffner; in an harem of beautyful girls.
Now that being "the goal", or "the perfect scenario", we cant allways live out our dreams, live up to our set goals or do what we want. In many ways, being an adult means restraining your self from what you want to do, and rather do what you should - or must do, to be responsable.
Now when it comes to porn, my toughts have moderated them self somewhat over the past latest years, as my hormon-level has been reduced, as happens as men get older. I am now 33 years old, and porn dont have my top-priority - anymore. And i have even got more respect for the critics of porn, recently. Look, porn-critics are still shamefully lost, but i get it; i get why some would opose it.
Here is the problem, tough:
Lets say Lisa X meets an handsome guy, falls in love, and they fuck eachother like wild rabbits. Now, Lisa X want to try something exiting: "lets FILM it!". The handsome guy agrees.
So what legally happens here is that Lisa X - and the handsome guy, both owns the rights for the movie they produce together. The handsome guy say he want to show it to a friend. Lisa X agrees. So far so good, right?
Now Lisa X gets a request from this nagging horndog frol online. Then he figures she made an sex-tape. Hes offering money to buy a copy. Lisa X askes the handsome guy if its okay that she sells the movie. He agrees.
Now, both parties involved in the production agrees to selling the clip. So far, so good, you see.
So my question then, to the critics, is... why - and how, would you regulate what Lisa X and the handsome guy can do with their own production? Why and how would you stop the horndog from seeing or buying the clip? Do you understand how totalitarian that in pratice is?
Look, nomather how you twist and turn it, about how Lisa X should "respect her own body more" or what ever you may say or think, she and her handsome guy is over 18 years old. They both own theor own bodies. And only an totalitarian would opose that. I for my part, is an induvidualistic humanist, and belive strongly in the freedom of choice as an fundamental part of owning your own body. And maby you mess it up, maby you take too much drugs, drink too much, regret an tatto, or take silicone-implants (terrable, terrable choice). But life is ment to be fucking lived, and ill be damed if im not to do my own mistakes - and learn from them.
And i show girls the respet of giving them the same rights to own their own bodies after turned 18 years old, as well.
Now, porn functions the same way as in the example i gave with Lisa X. Legally, both or all parties agree to the production, and agrees to swap their rights for the production with money.
And maby you dont think sex should be an product to be sold like that, in porn nor in sex-work. All i have to say to that, is that; as long as there is an marked for it, or an need for the product or service, and it involves people of 18 years or older, your totalitarian mind is not in the right to stop it.