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Towards a Better Forbidden Truth Understanding of the Internet

𝕵𝖔𝖍𝖓 𝕯𝖔𝖊Jun 23, 2018, 5:38:22 PM

In order to know what something does to You as a potential aspiring Superior, and to all the other billions of inferior and garbage-minded humans-borns, it is vital that one understands what something is. To successfully perform such an analysis requires a sharply honed Alien Eye and complete rejection/transcendence of your humanity, a feat that the vast majority of all humans are of course incapable of even contemplating.

Let us dissect, briefly, how such a dissection is performed by the top-level Superior such as Myself, using the internet as an example. What is the internet?? This question must be answered first, and only then is it possible for the Superior thinker to successfully analyze and understand what the internet does to each of us, the extent of the horror of this 21st century social and governmental weapon of mass destruction.

So here we go: The internet is a foundational root of The Matrix of Universal Illusion. 20 years ago it was not. Even 10 years ago, these roots were still maturing, developing, and strengthening. Each and every day, for the past 20 years, the internet has become more densely woven into The Matrix of Universal Illusion. And now we have reached the point of no return, the point where all separation is lost. The internet now functions in coordinated lockstep with The Matrix. It serves only and absolutely, the doctrine and the directional paths of the existing hive mind of human society and government, collectively merged on a worldwide scale.

Within the first world, the internet is currently the premier and most effective propaganda pipeline directly deployed by human societies and governments to destroy all human potential to recognize and embrace Truth. Every existing stupidity, inferiority, and failure of human mind consciousness is uplifted. legitimized, popularized, rendered normal and good and right and unquestionable, by the internet. The very fact that it offers a better illusion and delusion of free speech and individual participation than newspapers, radio stations, and television stations, has helped the internet to quickly and easily rise to the top. In exactly the same fashion as newspapers, radio, and television stations, third party fascism and mind control is deployed by government, via the insertion of corporate monopoly.

The government decides which corporations it can control as puppets, bribes corporate leaders with the promise of great wealth, then hijacks the content to specifically enhance and strengthen every diseased and deranged human pathology of mind. Just as CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox, CNN, ESPN, were the premier television propaganda pipelines for the amerikkkan regime in the 1950’s-2010 era, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, TMZ, Google, YouTube, Yahoo, are the premier internet propaganda pipelines of 2018, and will remain so for decades going forward.

Every first world society and government has already developed a system of universal mind control for the citizen-slaves it claims ownership of, specifically deploying third party corporations that create and disseminate internet content. And every third world society and government is currently at work, in the middle of such development.

The internet is a singular media entity, mandated to serve a singular purpose within human society and culture. There is no freedom of content creation or dissemination, there is only a better illusion and deception of such freedom, than newspapers, radio stations, or television stations, were/are able to provide. The lie of decentralization is the key component of how 21st century society and government is currently able to maintain the universal lie of internet freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of content. The newspaper, the magazine, the radio station, the television station, each of these things exists as a singular entity: A media source that legitimizes the status quo and controls human reality perception going forward, exactly and specifically as authorized by government. And this is exactly, absolutely, and solely what the internet, in totality, is: A media source that legitimizes the status quo and controls human reality perception going forward, exactly and specifically as authorized by government.

The internet is hopelessly infested by hopelessly broken inferiors and human garbage. Just as every other human gathering point has functioned throughout the modern era of human existence, the most popular and common and socially accepted ideas and reality perceptions are fetishized and idolized by the Unwashed Masses of adult humans who have been successfully brainwashed and propagandized and are totally unaware of their slave mind status, on any level of consciousness. And so the internet is a cage, a mind trap that simply grows and expands to accommodate every new victim who stumbles in, pretending to seek freedom and enlightenment, unable to perceive his own existing mind cages.

The internet is a place where brilliant and radical ideas and philosophies go to die and to be buried forever. It is the new graveyard for radicalism. Before, you would be lynched by an enraged mob of hopelessly broken human garbage, or thrown into a lunatic asylum by hired thugs working for the government in the disguise of “mental health professionals”. Which still happens, of course. But now things are sometimes so much more civilized: Just lock up the ideas themselves, on some obscure website or social network account that is barred from receiving any media attention. Murder and bury the ideas themselves, and if anyone confronts you, just point to the existence of the website as proof that free speech and freedom of expression thrive on the internet. The decreed lunatic is not lynched, he remains free to spout his insanities, as long as everyone remains successfully propagandized to consider his brilliant ideas to be the ravings of a madman.

The internet is highly addictive. The goal of every society and government is to enslave the mind consciousness of every human-born, by imposing an endless series of crippling addictions of mind. From caffeine to alcohol to money to the family unit to sports to patriotism, lifelong rituals must be imprinted upon the human brain, to compel every individual to pathologically repeat and replay the same insanities over and over and over. Addiction is the false belief that something is important to you, that you need it, that it is worthy of your time and focus and attention. From the very beginning the internet was consciously developed to serve as a new and modern addiction: A vast new realm of limitless freedom, to individually explore and to develop, that was the sales pitch. And the end, still evolving result: Hundreds of millions of humans hopelessly enslaved to this freedom illusion, mind-compelled to waste countless thousands of hours of their imaginary existence, pretending to be free in the cage of cyberspace.

The internet is a premier freedom illusion. It is the same as driving a car, you idiots! You are “free” to go wherever you want, but wherever you go you remain caged, controlled, under the terrorist dominion of governmental slavery. You can choose your car, from a toyota to a mercedes, but you must obey the demands of your slavemasters: Stop at the red light, stay under the speed limit, yield to pedestrians at the crosswalk, go with the traffic flow, not against it… The internet is the most perfect form of universal slavery that humanity has developed thus far, specifically because it cloaks itself, hides what it is, better than any other freedom illusion.

The internet is an artificial mindscape carefully sculpted to deify the social trance. Progress, change, evolution, new ideas, open minds, this is what the 21st century generation of citizen-slaves pretend to seek and to crave. Even more so than previous generations, they must convince themselves, delude themselves to believe, this is what they want, this is what they are fighting for, this is what they are achieving. And it is all a lie. You humans don’t actually want any of that, you are terrified by it. And so the internet is your safe haven, your refuge. The internet is where you can safely pretend to be changing the world for the better, even as you drive every last nail into the coffin of yourselves and your species, continuing to devolve to extinction. This dead place is where you are most able to maintain your illusion of being alive.

Just like the church imprisoned the minds of your parents and grandparents, the internet imprisons your mind, today. And of course you are blind and oblivious to this, as well as to all other, Forbidden Truths. And so you update your status on facebook, you post your new selfie on instagram, you write your new blog post, and eagerly await the likes and comments. You are a creator, uniquely you as you march with the others, the thousands, the millions of others, trapped within the social trance of moving forward, even as you ensure that nothing ever changes, you as a consciousness compressed to fit into a bunch of tiny cyberspace cages kept shiny and inviting by your slavemasters. All roads on the internet lead you to the exact same destination: delusion.com.

The internet is an offensive weapon deployed by all governments and societies to control, dominate, manipulate, and dictate how every human being perceives his own personal universe, as well as the external universe in which he is compelled to function, both in real-time and in reality perception going forward. Whatever is able to control what you think about, is also able to control how you think about what you think about. Self-perception and external reality perception are inextricably linked, and it is within the capacity to control the combination of both, that the internet excels as offensive weapon.

The internet not only allows you to construct fictionalized versions of Yourself, but overtly instructs, promotes, and rewards you for doing so, in the process strengthening the universal illusion that in the “real world”, after you exit the internet, you are not wearing an Acting Mask, not pathologically constructing fictionalized versions of Yourself, not living out the perverse and toxic fictions that have been imposed upon you as realities since the moment of your biological conception by The Matrix of Universal Illusion. But of course that is exactly what you are doing, blind fools! When you cannot perceive the Truth about Yourself, you cannot even begin to imagine attempting to perceive top-level Forbidden Truths about the world, the society, the culture, the government holding you as a terrorized hostage, and systematically destroying you.

The internet is a waste of time. Nothing you or I do on the internet can alter our fate. Nothing we do can inspire any legitimate change. It is impossible for us, as individuals, to shift the axis of human consciousness in any manner. I include the term “we”, even though I am a Superior and the vast majority of you are hopelessly broken pieces of human garbage, in order to make clear the fact that the internet is owned and controlled by The Matrix of Universal Illusion. It cannot be successfully subverted beyond the individual changing of individual minds, which is completely useless in terms of impacting the hive mind itself.

Now we know what the internet is. And within this understanding, we can clearly decipher what the internet does. In fact, I have already articulated these impacts within my above dissections of what the internet is. The internet is a destroyer of all human potential, collectively. And it is functionally useless in terms of awakening humans to the Forbidden Truths. The internet traps and cages human minds, it serves as the ultimate trap for now, even as new terrorist technologies of government, such as virtual reality, loom in the horizon and are already being built up to work in conjunction with and independent of the internet.

So, why am I on the internet?? Why have I spent 20+ years typing words on a keyboard and launching them into the eternal void of cyberspace, a toxic space owned and controlled by my greatest enemy and mind, body, and soul murderer, the government?? Because everything we do is a waste of time. I am hopelessly doomed by YOU pathetic creatures, your perverse inferiority, collectively, no matter what I do, or do not do. And so I do “this”, now. Just as I scrawled graffiti in 1984, and published print magazines in 1989-1991.

Everything I do, everything I have ever done and will ever do, is to honor and make love to Myself, and by proxy, honor and make love to the Truth. My victory, my triumph in the real-time, ongoing moment of Now, is to know that I am hopelessly doomed, and to know why it is so, and to have the wisdom and courage to hate, HATE, HATE you and the world you have chosen to build and to maintain, within the collective failure of yourselves as individuals and as a species.

And so here it is, another internet essay of Forbidden Truth brilliance, perfection known and revealed within the Self-universe that is Me, lovingly created by Me, delivered within the purity of limitless homicidal hatred, cast adrift to die and to be buried by you, within the new graveyard of the 21st century, the internet.

Forbidden Truth Blog

The Seer of Forbidden Truth