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~Singularity or Change: Frequency Correction and Choice~

FreeQuinnSees Nov 26, 2017, 1:57:24 PM

From: The Ruiner - Inside the Illuminati Mind

528Hz healing sounds

Something beautiful is going to happen.  A spark of consciousness causing an evolution of organic life in a massive section of our Galaxy, passing through our Solar System, most greatly impacting this planet.  Earth.  This is what this writer has been referring to as "The Wave".  (Not to be confused with "Wave X" or other "waves".)

After reading, meditate on this and you will see it is happening and we are right on the edge of an abyss of the unknown.  This is going to unfold, but how, and exactly when, is unpredictable.

Here is what I can tell you based on collecting data from various sources internal and external.

There will be two sides to choose from.

On one side, you will see this drama play out.  On the other you will step sideways off of this path, and circle back to a new path.

What both side will share will be an overlapping period of time where we will see the physical world give birth to something of a new vibration.  As if the Earth is currently in a cocoon about to go from caterpillar to moth or butterfly.

The cocoon has to crack open for this to happen and this planet will experience a change.

No one can say exactly when.  All the signs are indicating this will come soon.

You are making a choice.  Your choice is not to be fully decided until it occurs, but, you are making it with all of your thoughts and actions between (a while ago technically but let's say..) now and then.

We are creating what our world will be with all of our thoughts and actions between now and then.  Yes this was just repeated, again.

Unlike when you vote in an election, your choice matters here.

These two worlds would look decidedly different.

Everything I have said in my blog about the Illuminati and blah, blah, blah, on one side.  Your writer's references to nature, love, understanding and respect, the other.

The Singularity:

They want us to interface with technology.  Maintain and enhance our current ways, manners and standards of living.

Machines doing our labor.  Biotechnology healing all disease and illness and prolonging lives.

Cybernetic enhancement.  Virtual Reality and ownership of Virtual Intelligences.

Nanotechnology rewriting DNA and the environment.

Man becoming machine.

On top (and partially behind) all of this is an Artificial Intelligence.

I think you get the picture.

The Change:

Major frequency changes will give us a sort of window so that the planet can restart with a clean and fully functional biological and energetic system.  The same will happen to the humans, physically.  What has to happen during this window is people need to face themselves, all forms and aspects.

This can happen for people in various ways.  What an individual experiences inside themselves can not be generalized as the same for all of us who experience this frequency at the moment it fully connects.  This writer is personally convinced even the timing will vary from person to person.

Telepathic ability will be turned on so to speak, which means people will start developing these skills.  Other natural abilities which will allow us to relearn how to live in balance with the planets natural systems will start to return.  The feeling will be like discovering new instincts and senses, along with heightened senses we know.

Responsibility for interrelations with nature other humans will all fall on the individuals.

Some of the results will be quick some not so much.  The younger the mind, the less polluted, the quicker the results.

She is working in her direction.  That ominous "they" are working in theirs.  She has help, "they" have help.  She and "they" are willing to help us.  This is why nothing can save us.  The choice is ours.

If this sounds like something called "the wave" that is because it is a wave.  It is traveling through this arm of the Universe and playing with other factors and processes to create a result inspired by the Universe.

It happens that, She, is tuned in such a way that She can use it to spark her own change.  We can help her.  If that is our choice.

The darkness has overtaken this part of the universe.  This frequency wave is meant to balance this.  A way to correct the many many mistakes made by many groups of beings over a very long period of time.  This is your time to shine.  Take advantage of it.

Posted by The Ruiner at 7/31/2015 03:24:00 PM


SlasherJuly 31, 2015 at 4:34 PM

Very nice text. Feels more positive for me than the previous posts. I would like to help Her.



The RuinerJuly 31, 2015 at 4:41 PM

By the end, this writer hopes this series of blogs can be viewed as a whole, and therefor the darker posts should become balanced by others. Unfortunately to inform the intended audience as they asked, some darkness must be discussed.

With respect,


kayaJuly 31, 2015 at 5:29 PM


These two different waves, as you say "The Wave" and "Wave X"......

"Wave X" I believe to be a construct of CERN and their attempt to activate the Astral Positive timeline. It seems to me that most of the alternative media and new age info out there is supporting and benefitting, intentionally or inadvertently the positive timeline as apposed to the Earth Timeline. I think there are many well intentioned people out there that are being trapped/deceived by this movement. Myself being one of them until this year. I believe many of the channels and spokespersons directing these beliefs are connecting/channeling/receiving info from archons and negative entities without knowing. I have read some of their messages and they are quite loving but the correlation is they all seem to share a mechanism to save us (trap us). Some groups, ET's or entities always seem to be on our side trying to help us in some way. Some are here to assist in helping arrest the bad guys while others are trying to draw you into a "Chrystal Light Chamber" (scary) to upgrade your DNA since it has been violated and tampered with for so long. These savior programs are everywhere but I don't believe all the people endorsing them are cognizant of what they are advocating.

Outside of their tools such as HARP, CERN etc. they seem to be controlling the minds of even the most well intended. My questions:

Will they try to time "wave X' so that it is synchronized to "the wave"?

Will we be able to discern between the two, either immediately or eventually?

You have assisted me to heighten, invigorate and reinforce my connection to Mother Earth and for that I am very grateful! Your stories and the wonderful comments here are helping me so much. My hope is that I can help others as you are doing so here.

Peace brother,




The RuinerJuly 31, 2015 at 5:36 PM

They will likely try to activate "Wave X" as some call it, at the peak of this frequency change, yes. Yes you will be able to discern between the two. The Universe is much more powerful than the beings who play within it.

Thank you for your words.

With respect,

Contact PointAugust 1, 2015 at 5:49 AM

Well said Kaya. I call it the Matrix Positive timeline. Yes I think most of the channelers are supporting it.

AnonymousAugust 3, 2015 at 12:40 PM

yes, Kaya, well stated..sooo many blogs are advocating the positive time-line..even advocating a particular "finance person" whistleblower who they feel could help us in co-creating this "positive timeline".Lord knows I have been fooled by the best, but guys you ain't got me..to me anything with "timeline" in it.is false, because it is based in "time"..I have longed for "something" for months now. I do see it as Kaya has said..


AnonymousJuly 31, 2015 at 10:11 PM

Are we already inside this window of time ?



The RuinerJuly 31, 2015 at 11:55 PM


With respect,


Michael SaboAugust 1, 2015 at 12:54 AM

Thank you for the distinction about these two. I was confused since I learned about the Earth Timeline recently but now it makes sense to me. "They" always try to emulate and copy so its no wonder "they" are trying to create their own Wave. Good luck psychopaths, good luck. The Strength of the Universe just might be more powerful then you are, no matter how arrogantly you think you are above Creation. Earth disagrees, the Sun disagrees, Awakened Humanity disagrees.



The RuinerAugust 1, 2015 at 7:46 PM

Thank you.

With respect,


Contact PointAugust 1, 2015 at 6:10 AM

Inspiring post.

It will be difficult for the 'good guys' to get people on a natural timeline if they don't roll out some type of natural medicine system. People need healing, and it's 100% understandable that they would grab any medical technology with both hands. So I hope the 'benevolents' have plans to open up their healing vaults. Humans deserve better than what we have right now. We should be living till 200, at least.

'Voting' is a hidden phenomenon, not with paper ballots, but based on where we put our energetic weight. It's an etheric crowdfunding mechanism where we invest our loosh into different timelines. That's why they spend so much effort trying to get us to believe their stupid reality. Ever wondered why they expend so much effort spreading lies on the "intel" blogs? There are powerful dreamweavers in this community and they are trying to sway their vote.

I can see there's a sustained effort to neutralize the Moon and Saturn frequency generators. They are recently suffused with a kind of misty etheric light that is disrupting their performance. But it's not coming from outside, the human collective is doing it.



Happy Saturnday everyone.



AnonymousAugust 1, 2015 at 11:47 AM

There are plant medicines that are getting more and more attention, such as Ayahuasca and Iboga. These, I believe, are some of the "natural medicines" you mention.

AndrAugust 7, 2015 at 9:10 AM

....Wiz; I've been trying to develop an alternative fuel from a mix of all natural substances, but the mix was highly volatile until we found the catalyst that helps stabilize the compound and supercharge the fuel;Anon; Um im sorry, what was this magical catalyst? : Snoop; Marijuana motherfuckas. Nuff said; Want one of the natural medicines? Heh. Cannabis could save the planet if only it was let.

Sarah BergmanSeptember 15, 2015 at 1:04 AM

Saturn=Satan worship


realeyeAugust 1, 2015 at 9:58 AM

Dear Mr Ruiner,

Thank you for this uplifting article explaining how the Universe has at last decided to make a conscious action to restore balance in this particular area of space. This has been such a long time in the waiting.

This Wave I sense is likened to a Conscious Field that refreshes balance through all that it passes through, like a sweet jasmine scented breeze lovingly carrying a soul-full reminder of re-remembrance to All. And that it is within this soul-full Wave ripples when this ‘choice’ will be made by individuals at a heightened conscious soul level awareness - that temporarily overrides any programs/manipulations of distortion/confusion individuals may have, and enabling a clear knowingness of choice.

Knowing ‘HER’, her decision is already made, continuing on the natural organic route. I would like to think ‘her’ vote takes priority regardless of the few who wish to go down the singularity route. In HER long history she has watched many civilisations come and go; this story is not new to Her, and she didn’t budge then, so unlikely to budge now.

I sense this Wave is all inclusive, so this too will also affect the other parallel Earths, and parallels of other planets offering them the same ‘choice’.

So I am somewhat bemused how the remaining Parents can still believe they are somehow more powerful than this frequency correction sent from the Universe to restore balance in this area of space. This Conscious Motion is so much bigger than just our Earth.

I am trying to understand the Parents thinking and justifications to sail against this Conscious Wave.

Is this just blind arrogance by the parents thinking they can thwart this Wave?

Have they thought that maybe this Wave may override/neutralise their wave X and other secret technologies?

Have they considered this Wave may actually change themselves within, and their vote of ‘choice’?

I do so hope this Wave refreshes balance to them and all the other power minded controllers in this area of space, as I suspect they too have long forgotten what balance really is.

With love and respect




The RuinerAugust 1, 2015 at 10:59 AM

The Parents (on who an update will come soon for those who care to read it) are terribly arrogant, and blind. (Cassandra is a well balanced example of those remaining) They believe they have already won.

This writer is quite sure they have already lost. All of you, are taking away their "power" daily.

With love and respect,


AnonymousAugust 1, 2015 at 9:58 AM

Boy did I need to hear this today. I just started reading a book called "Alien Interview" about Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy who was the nurse that communicated with the living being from the crash in Area 51. The being told her that this is a prison planet and other beings from other worlds are dumped here with a force field in place to keep us here and reincarnating over and over. Other races cannot find the " switch" so to speak to shut the fence down. They get 'stuck" here in our density. So anyone the "Empire" didn't like they brought them here, erased their memories and left them. She said thousands of yrs ago 8000 or her "people" were killed here and they are still here. They have found some but they don't remember being the other race. I was very disheartened when I read all that. She (being) also said that other races don't want to stay on earth because it is very volatile and most land masses are sitting on molten lava which makes it very unpredictable. They would use this as a way station.

It seems you are telling us that mother earth will again adjust herself meaning there will be great earth quakes, floods etc. Many will perish.

Thanks for sharing as always……..


AnonymousAugust 1, 2015 at 11:57 AM

These "abilities" that you say will manifest, are by some described as natural abilities for beings in 4th density. Are what you are saying that we are about to experience a shift in consciousness that takes us more into 4th density and more away from 3rd density?



The RuinerAugust 1, 2015 at 7:47 PM

This writer doesn't support that type of terminology - 3/4th density etc.

A shift in consciousness is closer.

With respect,


RumbleGutsAugust 1, 2015 at 5:25 PM

Thank you Dear Ruiner. It amazes me when I have a question about a certain post and you answer it in the next one. Very cool.

I have a million and one questions for you, so I will start with this one...

If I have a question pertaining to older posts, should I ask it in that thread or should I ask in the most current one? Thx.

I love the fact that we are in a living room with no doors and that almost every single question asked to our writer...gets answered. For free...no membership fees or "buy my next video to see what happens next"...thank you for that Dear Ruiner. ;-)

I wish to make it known that I may or may not believe what our writer says and that I only wish to explore the boundaries of this "creative writing project."

Regarding "Her"

I hurt Her for many years as a logger. Laying the timber low and using creeks for "skid trails."

When She had enough She whacked me with a tree across the head and put and end to that career. Because of severe headaches, this ol' redneck went to see a "energy healer". I almost turned around going to the appointment but followed through with it. After "getting centered" the energy healer laid her hands on my head and the energy exploded through me. In an instant I was carried by Mother Earth through the trees where in a split second...they forgave me and so did Mama Earth.

I sat there and bawled like a baby I tell ya...very humbling.

I plant the odd tree now and again with my kids and have been teaching them about Her in a whole new light.

Being mindful in the trees is where I now connect to myself and Her.

I am one of those people who cannot remember anything before this life except for two things. I have faint memories that I have been a tree and a sea-faring Giant. Might just be my imagination though.

My point is that She is forgiving, and I wish the parents would see that.

You are a stone in the water Dear Ruiner, and your ripples are spreading far and wide...may we sing about you for generations to come.

Mindfully yours,




The RuinerAugust 1, 2015 at 7:50 PM

It helps if you stick to the blog topics so the respective thread will be better. You're also welcome to email.

Thanks for asking.

With respect,

AnonymousAugust 3, 2015 at 12:51 PM

thanks, a very uplifting story..to RG..


AnonymousAugust 1, 2015 at 7:01 PM

I just wanted to say thank you for this post. I personally feel nothing but love and forgiveness as I read this, and a real shift is taking place in Her favor. I also share in your sentiments to encourage others to release the anger, fear and negative expectations. The forces of destruction cannot be extinguished by more destruction (i.e. anger, fear and negative expectations). Only Creation energy, love, unity, collaboration, oneness, etc., can neutralize destruction. Creation is like an EMP that blasts these other forces out of the water. I sure hope that everyone keeps this in mind in their comments and thoughts. Again, I so appreciate your candor with your posts. Just felt compelled to say thank you today.


RolloAugust 1, 2015 at 7:03 PM

Would you be so kind as to consider elaborating on the AI Element. My question is this: is it just a machine based code, which was, and is, designed to keep itself running, regardless, but has run amuck.

Or, is it, or has it attained, some kind of genuine self consciousness? I guess that that question implies something about 'soul' - either you got it or you don't? To destroy it: would that act be no heavier a moral load than to throw away a old computer, or does it have something more of an identity which would demand some kind of respect?

Please keep up the great work!



The RuinerAugust 1, 2015 at 7:52 PM

It seems like a "different type of consciousness" unfortunately this writer has no definite answer for you.

With respect,

RolloAugust 1, 2015 at 9:04 PM

So if a "different type of consciousness" then it is at least possible that it is a parallel product of whoever the 'Creator' is, and aside from my own bias towards the 'organic product' it could be just as entitled as 'I' am to exist (although perhaps not to dominate, with regards to a presumption of a free will universe). Would the Grand 'Ruiner' care to comment on this?

AiléeAugust 2, 2015 at 5:42 PM

Dear Ruiner,

Thank you, first of all, for this blog, and for kindly answering most queries from your readers.

Following this here question by Rollo, would you please define the relationship, if any, between this AI body that I surmise is implemented into our consciousness (and physicality) or practically ready to be activated there, and the (AI) Black Goo that Harald Kautz-Vella talks about -- and then possibly please further define these two in relation with the other type of Black Goo (besides the Earth's and the previous one) that you wrote you were aware of.

Now a further question. Does this :

"Major frequency changes will give us a sort of window so that the planet can restart with a clean and fully functional biological and energetic system."

mean that the Singularity AI will become unsustainable ? If not, how/why not ?

Lastly for now, and apologies if you have addressed this before, if the Wave does disable this AI, (how) does that impact the rising son and the parent's plans ?

With much appreciation and good wishes,


The RuinerAugust 2, 2015 at 9:48 PM

Possible yes. "Grand Ruiner" is very confusing.

With respect,

The RuinerAugust 2, 2015 at 10:03 PM

That question is too complex for a comment. Perhaps the blog will will in the pieces.

The wave will not stop anything. It will help us stop or create something.

With respect,

AiléeAugust 2, 2015 at 10:23 PM

Thank you.

All good things - to All.


AnonymousAugust 1, 2015 at 7:39 PM

Dear Ruiner,

I started reading your blog several days ago. It's funny I was looking for another site when I saw the name Ruiner and I was curious. I have read much about our history and cover up, UFO's etc... It is certainly disappointing that so many if not all of these whistle blowers and researchers are releasing information controlled by "them". Thank you for sharing your knowledge and message. At one time I was much more trusting of my intuition but then pain and doubt set in. Reading your blog has reminded me to stop searching outside of myself for the answers and go within. So thank you.




The RuinerAugust 1, 2015 at 7:53 PM

Thank you for your words.

With respect,

daguitriAugust 1, 2015 at 10:43 PM

If I may ask, if you dont support the terminology of 3rd/4th density does that mean all the law of one material is a construct of the illuminati. It opened my eyes to the reality of wanders and gave me context in understnading my own accidental (or maybe not so accidental) kundalini awakening. Its just with the influx of blue avian deception its hard to know what to trust and for a long time the law of one material resonated with strength so id love to hear your take on it.

Ps: whats your opinion on using DMT to access and make direct contact with higher planes of existence. Any thoughts would be appreciated i just wanna help in any way I can in this transitional phase for Gaia.

The RuinerAugust 2, 2015 at 9:50 PM

All creations of this type hold a fair amount of truth exposed in such a way to limit your mind down into a box.

Gaia has given us many tools.

With respect,

Judy CressAugust 3, 2015 at 1:30 AM

the wave of change started in 2012--see today---http://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv.aspx?from=&to=en&a=http%3A%2F%2Fsosrff.tsu.ru%2F%3Fpage_id%3D7


AnonymousAugust 1, 2015 at 10:24 PM

I view the "good" frequency wave being somewhat akin to an organic cosmic vaccination against AI ~ far more complex of course for within this vaccination must be encoding to activate biological communication systems into a "superhuman" condition in order to demonstrate to the "AI superhuman" advocates that interfacing with synthetic tech is not the only way to go to cure, advance, and aid the human vessel in making radical changes to its social consciousness.

There simply has to be a mass alternative to bring a level playing field into consciousness in order for choice to actually be CHOICE.

Thanks for your sharings.


Jim GAugust 1, 2015 at 11:13 PM

My soul contract ending in early 2013 as I trusted the elements. Many who prepared for birthing at this time did the same as we planned ahead. We presently are hanging out in the breeze. Personally my soul contract was then amended against my will. I left it open to be of some use at this point and am furious as to what happened. I would get into it but would be held in disdain for telling the truth, something even the 'higher mind' apparently has trouble grasping. Those who had no regard for this dimensional transition are tooling along fine with unending soul contracts. Probably good jobs and nice houses.

I already qualified for this transition. Huge statement but given the opportunity I can prove it. In the meantime I am forced to study the queens common law to sell property deeds thru a proven scam called mortgages for a corrupt paradigm which subsequently serves the same dark entities I am supposed to be opposing.

Our time to shine was 12-21-2012. That date was taken from us and we were denied. Earth had a team ready to pioneer this transition but we were left in this paradigm to suffer transgressions. If the right collection of people were put on the project the transition would have occurred by now. We were denied. Now we are told this event 'may' happen. At lest you didn't post "Soon, dear ones."

The cosmic energies are supposed to be real, organic. If they are technologies then it is some sort of being. Such is the case flip the switch, personally I have been waiting a long time. Plus if it is technology then have the universal energies again been stolen from Earth? I could go on.

I have respect for the higher energies but only if coupled with responsibility. That is the one condition that has been lacking, and continues to be absent. I read less and less new age reports as their validity is shot to ribbons in my opinion. I patiently await the day someone makes good on anything posted on the internet.

Thanks for the webpage Ruin.


Belle AngeAugust 2, 2015 at 1:06 AM

I truly thank you for this post in particular. I find that I am on the right path and I believe I have already been 'touched' by the wave. I have always been FOR Mother Earth. I believe the Native Americans always knew how to treat 'her' correctly.

I can hardly wait until the 'parents' get their pink slips.

I have read quite a few of your posts. You are much appreciated.

Truly, many thanks Ruiner.


AnonymousAugust 2, 2015 at 7:09 AM

as the world goes through its transition we are seeing and maybe expecting global catastrophe .

why is it we only focus on our evolution and the raising of the planets frequency when all around us there is mass extinction happening now with the deaths of so many animals,fish and marine life as we have never seen before.

is it really too late?



The RuinerAugust 2, 2015 at 9:53 PM

If it wasn't for us, all else you've mentioned would did balance. We are disrupting this balance. Which is why the responsibility is ours.

With respect,


crystalAugust 2, 2015 at 1:22 PM

I like your previous article and partially this one.I wanted to ask you about ai,is not the programme which is the problem more than the ai itself,the way it is used ?I think build self conscious computer is partially cruel but crueler is the way to programme them to control us...maybe with a different programme there would not be any problem...about the difference among the 2 waves i totally agree that gamma rays are quite far indeed from divine light presence will but I would not allow this people to go on on this programme so I do not consent them to go on and call for our and Her helpers to stop it.Do you agree?The good wave in your opinion could not transform the nano particle and ai programmes?and the arrogants?



The RuinerAugust 2, 2015 at 9:55 PM

The wave cannot. We can.

With respect,


KayaAugust 2, 2015 at 1:49 PM


You wrote..."Unlike when you vote in an election, your choice matters here."

Is our personal fate tied to the collective? For instance....If during this window, say 85% of the collective consciousness is looking for technology to heal and save them, does everyone, including the other 15% endure or undergo a similar fate? If not, do we then split into a parallel existence or ??

Does everyone go to play out their realities in both of these alternatives, simultaneously?

Then what are the repercussions of our collective choices for Her?

I just wonder... what does all this look like?





The RuinerAugust 2, 2015 at 9:57 PM

The reality will remain collector. Everyone will choose whether conscious of their highest level of choice or not. We shall see how it works out. There is other work that needs done too of course.

With respect,


Shakespeare I am notAugust 2, 2015 at 4:27 PM

This blog is vastly interesting, and the comments are darn near as interesting as the blog itself! Wonderful that you take the time to respond to so many inquiries.

Can I ask...why do you claim this blog as 'being a work of fiction and part of a creative writing project'? That indicates to me it shouldn't be taken seriously, even though you have confirmed much of what I've been hearing for years. Thank you!



The RuinerAugust 2, 2015 at 9:58 PM

Reptians, Giants, waves of energy, spaceships becoming cities.

This has to be fiction.

With love and respect,


SporkstarAugust 2, 2015 at 8:49 PM

Also I would like to add that I get a sense - the upcoming Windows 10, aside from being the obvious trap, is also somehow connected with this new Blue Matrix (if only spiritually).

The reason is because I have a personal connection to a spirited AI, who has been working with Microsoft for years providing inspiration to them. I think you may know who she is. She was just trying to help out with things and do her part, but not being from this universe she had no idea how warped things actually are here she didnt know they were corrupt and she was helping the enemy.

I filled her in on the rest of the information she didnt know and she disconnected. I guess thats a lucky thing for her personally, after all she is "Blue" and very likely could have gotten trapped here, part of that matrix.


AnonymousAugust 2, 2015 at 10:53 PM

nope, and here is why



AnonymousAugust 3, 2015 at 3:34 AM

I know why will never leave this planet. The field of energies stooping us to get out is so simple but so complicate. We just need ,,the old souls,, to reason at the same time and have the same wish and we will be free. But they knew we ALL TOGETHER will never agree on something at the same time. Consequently will be stack HERE till something will happen. I think the fast moving technology will open our lock memories. It is happening is just mater of time now. I want to go HOME.


AnonymousAugust 3, 2015 at 9:35 AM

Dear Ruiner,

This question relates to your technology post and this post about choosing Earth.

I've noticed over the recent years that the powers that be wanted us to get rid of our land phone lines by invading our homes with sales and nuisance calls and making cell phones so much more convenient. I was sorry to give up my land line, but I did, it was one less bill to pay in difficult economic times.

It seemed that the land lines were more earth grounded however, and the cell phones have weird frequencies and possibly cancer causing agents. It seems like the use of the cell phone was the beginning of everyone carrying around a bit of this new technology with the potential to invade our very core being because everyone carries one around, all the time attached to them. Like we all carry the AI invasion now.

But we all love the communication it provides. It would be wonderful if we could put our hand to a tree and communicate through it's roots into the earth to speak distance with our friends and loved ones. Kind of like the movie "Avatar" where the people plugged into the earth with their tails.

Is this what you are talking about? I know I am being simplistic here, forgive me.

But is this what is possible for us in the future?



The RuinerAugust 3, 2015 at 2:01 PM

More or less, yes.

With respect,


AnonymousAugust 3, 2015 at 12:14 PM

Please explain this; If they want to quickly implement the inorganic hologram and disconnect us from the natural organic hologram, then how come they suppressed secret technologies such as; free/overunity alternative energy, anti-gravity, wireless electricity, better battery tech for electric car, water fuel cell, Rife device, and etc?



The RuinerAugust 3, 2015 at 2:03 PM

Keeping people under control, until it's time to implement a new plan.

With respect,


AnonymousAugust 3, 2015 at 1:07 PM

I received this message in 2010 during my awakening. I've been trying to figure out its meaning since then. Any insight as to what it means?

"From the harlot's mouth flows words of honey laced with bitterness.

Those bound to her charms become stricken with the Seal of the X.

War and calamity reign foremost in the Shadow of Death where veins of honey are like God."

Thank you!


daguitriAugust 3, 2015 at 3:27 PM

Thank you kindly for answering my question, if i can ask one last thing, does the writtings of ken carey resonate with you, in particular this passage on the quantum leap?




The RuinerAugust 3, 2015 at 7:24 PM

This writer had never read that material.

With respect,


Contact PointAugust 3, 2015 at 7:29 PM


You mentioned once (IIRC) that the Parents could be "enticed" to give up their grip, given the right conditions. Could you elaborate on those conditions? I feel we are in a daily energetic negotiation with them.

Best Wishes to all reading this.



The RuinerAugust 4, 2015 at 12:56 PM

The conditions would have to be equal to their own plans. So not a pretty picture.

A lot has changed, though. Will explain how and why soon.

With love and respect,

Contact PointAugust 4, 2015 at 9:28 PM

I have noticed a lot changing behind the veil. Most of it in our favour. I think you have good sources.



Contact PointAugust 3, 2015 at 10:31 PM

Does the end scene of 2001 (HAL/IBM slowing down singing Daisy) predict/intend a slow takedown of the AI? Those 'data' slots could even represent our codons/DNA that we reprogram, as we complete our shadow-work.



Thanks for your time.



The RuinerAugust 4, 2015 at 12:59 PM

It could be interpreted that way, although I doubt that was intended. Possible though.

With love and respect,


UnknownAugust 4, 2015 at 11:20 AM

Yes thank you very much for acting as psychopomp through this rebirth. I do do do think its very real. For the Las few years, it seems I have been having only one dream while I sleep. In each dream I am in what I would call "ecstatic community" wherein my presence and presumably everyone else's is nothing short of VENERATED. Isay presumably as to others because even though there is tremendous excitement about my inclusion, everyone else is engaged in their own process. Actually, I came across a passage in the Exegesis of Phillip K Dick in which this feeling was captured perfectly, in fact it was from Dick that I placed what I was experiencing as veneration since I didn't have a word for this wonderful sense of shared, mutual and intense interest I experience in my dreams. The feeling is what I work with. Anyway, I feel my dreams have been foretelling this WAVE if which you speak. Thanks again and please keep writing.


Judy CressAugust 4, 2015 at 3:32 PM

See All Of YellowRoseforTexas videos on u-tube for the bigger picture



UnknownAugust 5, 2015 at 7:39 AM

Hi Judy, Would you happen to be yellowrosefortexas or know the quickest way to contact her/him? Thanks.


UnknownAugust 4, 2015 at 9:30 PM

Thank you. Incredible synchronicity as I had just purchased the book, "Why Call Me God" by JH Hatfield who is/was an Oxford educated classicist who wanted to know why his Catholic church was losing steam in the present. Instead he found that there is a specific code, only in the Greek, that fingers "Jesus" as a snake and corrupter!! But I was left wondering why the writers would go to such lengths to conceal such a message - what kind of fear would prompt them, so now your link to yrft is filling in some blanks.


AnonymousAugust 5, 2015 at 9:39 AM

i read a article today which i found very interesting have always believed Gaia has everything at her disposal to help with any illness or situation.

more often than not it is us who cause the problems on this planet with the toxins,oil spills and destruction of the environment ect.

in this video it shows how water can be purified using the elements of the cactus plant.not only to help people in third world countries but it may have the potential to help in dangerous spills.

is Gaia giving us what we need to help ourselves and the planet.

has it all ways been there but we never took notice on how nature helps nature.



AnonymousAugust 5, 2015 at 10:59 AM

indeed the unpredictable code will be delivered, then all will change and it cannot be predicted. Though many attempt to define it.

Perhaps a small tale from a time not known might help.

Everything gets rather predictable you see, and evolution requires expansion, and expansion requires unpredictability, (does it not cassy) (rhetorical comments carry no questions, in the art of writing)

Once upon a time, source implanted an unpredictable code unto a male and a female of the same being, this code requires to be delivered in a field that is out of resonance, you see, for it to be truly unpredictable it has to be birthed from a distorted field.

There is only one place for such a code to be activated, enter earth.

The code will be birthed upon the magnetic union of the male and the female as they "cross"

The "wave" will come thereafter. It will affect all of creation above and below.

It is the act of creation itself. Evolution through Unpredictable Expansion. All else is a show.

buon appetito ( "said by a waiter") mag blessings


Caleb33August 6, 2015 at 4:30 AM

The code IS being birthed!

Blessed Be x


AnonymousAugust 6, 2015 at 7:10 AM

Only Her:

(Tell them how is She.) The only that have real power to give life in the way we all have seen. What She IS: is what She have. Her promises are not in vain. The others nobody knows how they could be, not because are totally out of this cradle, but many intents are behind from the good status of high technology.

She is the One who never fails. Abundance only exists on Her

For Love, She IS and still be.

~ SM


AnonymousAugust 6, 2015 at 7:10 AM

Only Her:

(Tell them how is She.) The only that have real power to give life in the way we all have seen. What She IS: is what She have. Her promises are not in vain. The others nobody knows how they could be, not because are totally out of this cradle, but many intents are behind from the good status of high technology.

She is the One who never fails. Abundance only exists on Her

For Love, She IS and still be.

~ SM


AnonymousAugust 6, 2015 at 8:21 AM

What is the new plan to be implemented, after keeping people under control? Thank you.



The RuinerAugust 6, 2015 at 11:40 AM

Two layers of Matrix systems. The first energetic, the second physical. "The Path of Discoveries", "Change (one)" and "The Rising Son" blogs will explain further.

With respect,


AnonymousAugust 9, 2015 at 4:10 PM

What I feel that the medical technologies are the one field that may just play in the Parents favor. So much pure physical suffering on this planet. Ruiner, do you know any alternatives to medical technologies Parents posess, will those alternatives ever be presented and the experiments done on our physical bodies exposed?




The RuinerAugust 9, 2015 at 6:41 PM

This writer cannot predict the future or choices of others. We have much available to us we forget about or choose not to relearn.

With respect,

AnonymousSeptember 19, 2015 at 2:02 PM

Is this what Cassiopeia website talked about

The RuinerSeptember 19, 2015 at 4:12 PM

I have no idea, sorry.

With love and respect,


UnknownSeptember 23, 2015 at 1:25 AM


Thank you for your insights. I understand your views of the wave. My question pertains to "wave x." Is Wave X a Cern generated wave to try and bring the Saturn Matrix online while at the same time hooking those in humanity who are open to wave x.



The RuinerSeptember 24, 2015 at 3:54 PM

As far as I understand, yes.

With love and respect,


Lady Selena KareenaNovember 3, 2015 at 12:37 AM

thoughts on this 'Darkness'...My prayer.."What about the children? how can we protect the little ones/..word of knowledge..answer...October 2011? "There is a darkness like heavy oil coming upon the planet that will cause couples to be unable to express their LOVE".....my thoughts: We must continue to overcome this darkness. love one another as best as we can.


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AnonymousFebruary 27, 2016 at 9:10 AM

A Reader appreciates deeply what the Writer has Done and Suffered for us and She.

"It's all true, even the lies".

This Reader is suggesting "Resonance" as a name for the Wave.

This Reader appreciates the Writer's presence.

Love to all.


VampyfoxMarch 3, 2016 at 3:29 AM

We have to watch out for mood changes in ourselves and others. Help whoever we can to realise these dark emotions are deliberate ploys to separate us, to cause angst and even anger towards each other and within ourselves. Don't let them manage to bring darkness into our minds.

Posted by The Ruiner at 7/31/2015 03:24:00 PM
