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SUCCESS: 8 Provinces STOP Vaccine Passport or Mandates or Restrictions. Thanks To Peaceful Freedom Convoy & You.

Francois CarpentierFeb 19, 2022, 6:08:14 AM

According to Roman Balmajok and others, 8 provinces STOP vaccine passport or mandates or restrictions. Thanks to both the peaceful and successful Freedom Convoy 2022, and you if you contributed lawful efforts ♥♥♥

1. Alberta. STOP vaccine passport & restrictions.
2. British Columbia. STOP capacity limits for events. Mask & vaccine requirements will be re-evaluated on March 15th, 2022.
3. Manitoba. STOP mask mandates by mid-March 2022.
4. Ontario. STOP vaccine passport by March 1st, 2022.
5. Nova Scotia. STOP capacity limit for sports, arts and culture events. Capacity increases for gyms and retail.
6. Prince Edward Island. STOP COVID-19 restrictions. Using their three-step plan.
7. Quebec. STOP capacity limits on private gatherings, and sports games. Gyms and spas to reopen at half capacity. Other mandates and vaccine passport will be re-evaluated by mid-March 2022. 
8. Saskatchewan. STOP proof of vaccination for indoor dining. And STOP all other restrictions. Saskatchewan were the 1st and most courageous with stopping those.

Photos, videos, and sources below

You honk in our heart
SUCCESS: 8 Provinces STOP Vaccine Passport or Mandates or Restrictions. Thanks To Peaceful Freedom Convoy & You.
Freedom Convoy 2 requests

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Sources video:

• "Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov". Starting at 6 minutes and 55 seconds at https://youtu.be/zBnjnpxRf3g?t=419

Source provinces:
1. Alberta https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/public-global-health/593447-alberta-lifting-vaccine-passport
___• https://archive.md/I3KG6
2. British Columbia https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-restrictions-announcement-february-2022-1.6351955
___• https://archive.md/wip/ogoE9
3. Manitoba https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-covid-19-pandemic-restrictions-1.6347862
___• https://archive.md/5kxyh
4. Nova Scotia https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/covid-update-nova-scotia-feb-9-2022-1.6344632
___• https://archive.md/rUVGr
5. Ontario https://ipolitics.ca/2022/02/14/ontario-ending-vaccine-passports-most-covid-restrictions-march-1/
___• https://archive.md/ZYskQ
6. Prince Edward Island https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/p-e-i-implementing-hopeful-three-step-plan-to-lift-covid-19-restrictions-1.5772757
___• https://archive.md/IzHGv
7. Quebec https://globalnews.ca/news/8603548/quebec-reopening-plan-feb-2022/
___• https://archive.md/KtDOq
8. Saskatchewan https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220208-canada-province-lifts-all-covid-restrictions-amid-protests
___• https://archive.md/DX4AB

Peaceful protest, love

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YOUR Guaranteed Right

This Peaceful "Freedom Convoy" is a guaranteed right under the Canadian Laws about Charter of Rights & Freedoms. #CharterofRightsandFreedoms

Truckers for freedom. We love you.

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Question 1

Will the Justin Trudeau's government behave like a PUBLIC SERVANT, or behave like a DICTATOR?

If you are not familiar with the term "public servant", find the title "What is a public servant?" below.
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Question 2

Will the Justin Trudeau's government COURAGEOUSLY facilitate Canadian citizens expressing their opinions, or COWARDLY try to bully them into silence?
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Question 3

If the Justin Trudeau's government try to bully into silence the present Canadian Truckers "Freedom Convoy", in the future, if the Trudeau's government disagree with YOUR opinion, will they also try to BULLY YOU INTO SILENCE? If so, who will you VOTE for during the next elections?
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Question 4

Personally, I believe that all opinions are valuable. And I am not afraid to hear all of them. Even if I disagree with some. Why? Because I believe that a diversity of opinions is a strength, not a weakness. In other words, I believe that your opinion is valuable.
How about you, are you not afraid or are you afraid to hear other people's opinions?
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Show your support

Show your support to "Freedom Convoy" with a donation at 

If the link above is somehow not working, try again to open it up to 5 times. Until the page is display.

GiveSendGo send your donation to truckers ♥. In comparison, GoFundMe blocks your donation, and do NOT send your donation to truckers 🙁

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What is a public servant?

>A civil servant or public servant FIRST priority is to represent the interests of CITIZENS

>Many consider the study of service to be a part of the field of public administration. Workers in "non-departmental public bodies" (sometimes called "Quangos") may also be classed as civil servants for the purpose of statistics and possibly for their terms and conditions. Collectively a state's civil servants form its civil service or public service.

Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_service

Archived source at https://archive.fo/D7L7G#selection-65.90-65.182

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What Is A MONEY-Servant?

What is the opposite of a Public-Servant? A Money-Servant.

What is a Money-Servant? One example is a corporate lobbyist.

What is a corporate lobbyist? A corporate lobbyist FIRST priority is to represent the interests of CORPORATIONS

> [Corporate lobbyists arguably] have a significant corrupting influence in American politics.

> The general concern of this revolving-door activity is that both [Public-Servant] & elected officials—persons who were supposed to represent the interests of citizens—have instead become entangled with the big-money interests of for-profit corporations and interest groups with narrow concerns, and that public officials have been taken over by private interests.

Source at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobbying_in_the_United_States#Lobbying_controversies

Archived source at http://archive.fo/HEwDr

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What Is A Successful Public-Servant?

Her/his FIRST priority is to represent the interests of CITIZENS

Read more summary at https://www.oecd.org/gov/ethics/managingconflictofinterestinthepublicservice.htm

Archived 1 read more with summary at http://archive.fo/F4Clr

Archived 2 read more with summary at https://web.archive.org/web/20180921133904/https://www.oecd.org/gov/ethics/managingconflictofinterestinthepublicservice.htm

Read more with detailed toolkit at https://www.oecd.org/corruption/ethics/49107986.pdf

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LOVE's Strategy 💗

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love means "human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at:
• https://archive.md/EAywk#selection-1699.14-1713.104
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

Image LOVE & UNITE https://i.postimg.cc/FHVyy6Kr/love-and-unity.png

Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

With infinite love ♥


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EVIL's Strategy 👿

For those not familiar with the EVIL's behavior strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, HATRED, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA, EXPEDIENCY, SELFISHNESS, IGNORANCE, DESTRUCTION or NEGLECT." Read more at:
• https://archive.md/uVDOP#selection-155.1-195.3


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Video Courageous & Successful Shift From Evil To Good

This is a video from Jack Abramoff. A Corporate lobbyist who courageously tries to shift his behaviors from Evil to Good:

2013 Video

• https://yewtu.be/watch?v=NmD8xLi4JvU
• https://youtu.be/NmD8xLi4JvU

2020 Updates

In 2020 Jack shifted his behaviors back to Evil. And faces up to five years in prison. Again. So his fight between his Evil & Good behaviors is not over. Usually those who successfully shifted their behaviors from Evil to Good needed many tries.

• https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/504603-jack-abramoff-charged-with-conspiracy-in-cryptocurrency-case
• https://archive.md/so24W

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