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Canadian Doctors: Top 10 Reasons Why NOT Be Afraid Of Covid-19

Francois CarpentierMay 30, 2021, 2:12:13 AM

Ci-dessous est en anglais. La version française est à https://www.minds.com/Francewhoa/blog/1245517724114976768

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I bet that you will feel much better after hearing what this group of Canadian medical Doctors has to say. Their video is 12 minutes total.

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Backup Mirror Videos

In case of censorship. Here are backup mirror videos :

• Backup 1 https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf

• Backup 2 https://open.tube/videos/watch/540a7b53-af21-4ec7-b4f7-3bfa629badd4

• Backup 3 original https://rumble.com/vhag6d-canadian-doctors-speaking-out-protecting-our-children-from-harm.html

• Backup 4 https://www.bitchute.com/video/QhhRf8Qy3Rvt/

• Backup 5  https://youtu.be/u7vWuIO5Q6Y  

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Top 10 Reasons Why NOT Be Afraid Of Covid-19

1. Exciting good news. Right now, you have 30 to 50% of change to be ALREADY immune to Covid. Thanks to our natural T Cells. If you are one of the lucky ones you do NOT need vaccine, and do NOT need a mask. Just naturally & freely. Source: https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf?start=2m43s


2. Covid-19 is LESS dangerous than the seasonal flu. Because only 4 people under the age of 19 have dead of Covid in the entire Canada. This is 4 out of 8 millions. In comparison, 10 people did of the seasonal flux. Source: https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf?start=4m43s


3. For thousands of years, our human body has evolved to deal with virus. The Covid is just another virus. For most of us, our body is NATURALLY fully equipped and knows what to do to deal with Covid. Your most important actions to deal with Covid is to eat healthy food, remain physically active, spend time with nature to get your free natural vitamin D. Source: https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf?start=6m8s


4. Numerous successful treatments for Covid were found:

___• Quercetin

___• Zinc

___• Vitamin C

___• Vitamin D

___• Hydrozychloroquine (HCQ)

___• Azithromycin

___• Ivermectin

___• Oxygen supplementation. WITH an oximeter.

___• Source: https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf?start=7m31s


5. In the very unlikely event that you get Covid. The survival rate ranges from 95% to 99.99%. Source: https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf?start=1m34s


6. There is very little risk for kid to get Covid. Kids are NOT super-spreaders. This was FAKE news. Source: https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf?start=4m10s


7. Cases of Covid does NOT mean that someone as Covid. Because the Covid PCR swap test has a very high rate of FAILURE. In other words, FALSE positive. 97% of positive test are FALSE. Source: https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf?start=27s


8. Hospitals are NOT overloaded with people with Covid. This was FALSE news. Source: https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf?start=1m20s


9. If you're sick, simply stay home. It is this easy. Source: https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf?start=2m32s


10. Covid variants were NEVER found in human. Source https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/c48fb61f-408c-4632-bf60-130433fef0cf?start=9m13s

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The author of this video are Canadian Doctors. The publisher is Canada Health Alliance. Show your support with a donation directly to the author at:

• Donate at https://www.canadahealthalliance.org/donate.html

• Website at https://www.canadahealthalliance.org

• Rumble videos at https://rumble.com/user/CanadaHealthAlliance

• Bitchute videos at https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FiWuEqhWlU1f/

• Telegram at https://t.me/CanadaHealthAlliance

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/canadahalliance

• Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/canadahealthalliance/

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• This blog is my opinion about the author(s) above. Nothing else. In other words, but not limited to, my blog is NOT a medical recommendation. If you need a medical recommendation, I suggest asking your doctor.

• I am NOT affiliated with the product(s) or service(s) mentioned above

• Above are suggestions from me as both a volunteer and user of the product(s) or service(s) mentioned above. I do NOT have a conflict of interest with the product(s) or service(s) mentioned above. I am not a sales representative for those product(s) or service(s) mentioned above.

• My opinions above are from me personally. NOT from a business.

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