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Canadian Doctors: 11 DANGERS Of Vaccines For Covid-19. How To PROTECT Both Your Children & You.

Francois CarpentierMay 31, 2021, 8:17:29 AM

Ci-dessous est en anglais. La version française est à https://www.minds.com/Francewhoa/blog/1245939909234757632 

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This short video is a 3 minutes watch. From Canadian Doctors who have more than 300 YEARS of combined medical experience. About the dangers of vaccines for both your children and you. And their suggestion to resolve this challenge.


Watch their 3 minutes video at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=14m55s


Watch the full 22 minutes video at https://rumble.com/vh9l6z-protecting-our-children-from-harm.html


One of those doctors is Charles Hooffe, MD. From Canada, British Columbia.

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Backup Mirror Videos

In case of censorship. Here are backup mirror videos:

• Backup 1 https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=14m55s

• Backup 2 https://open.tube/videos/watch/bd2f2aaf-dcc1-4dfe-b413-faba2c02642b?start=14m55s

• Backup 3. Original. https://rumble.com/vh9l6z-protecting-our-children-from-harm.html

• Backup 4 https://www.bitchute.com/video/HrD1M0mhKpHT/

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DANGERS vaccines

( Image meme danger vaccin. IDU_20220730_125320. )

Eleven FACTS about the DANGERS of vaccines for Covid-19

According to those Canadian Doctors:


1. All those vaccines have NOT been formally approved by Health Canada or the FDA. Because NONE of the Covid-19 vaccines have gone through the normal safety tests. Which needs to last 5 or 10 years of testing BEFORE using the vaccine. Instead, those vaccines have been rushed through in "emergency". Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=15m31s


2. All Covid-19 vaccines are completely experimental to permanently change your gene. It is NOT a vaccin. An injection to permanently change your gene is not to confuse with a vaccin. In other words, both you and your children are Guinea pigs in this experiment to permanently change your gene. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=14m55s
What is a gene at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene


3. If you or any of your loved one is killed or injured by a vaccine, you can NOT sue the pharmaceutical company which manufacture the vaccines. Because the Government of Canada has granted to all pharmaceutical companies complete indemnity against any liability, injury, or death cause by their vaccines. Does this mean that all the PROFITS ARE PRIVATIZED and go to the pharmaceutical companies, but all the COSTS PAID BY YOU? Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=17m3s


4. NONE of the Covid-19 vaccines have been shown to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. The vaccines do NOT protect you from getting Covid-19. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=15m47s


5. NONE of the Covid-19 vaccines have long term safety data. With either children or adult. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=15m16s


6. Both pharmeceutical companies vaccine maker the AstraZeneca & Johnson & Johnson have been BANNED in 18 countries. Because of their possible NEGATIVE side effects. Including but not limited to those vaccines DANGEROUS & DEADLY blood clots. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=15m23s


7. The doctor says many of his patients have ongoing neurologically symptoms since getting their first Covid-19 vaccine. They are SUFFERING from constant PAIN, HEADACHES, MUSCLE WEAKNESS, DIZZINESS, and DISABLED. Their lives haves being RUINED by this vaccine experiment. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=16m2s


8. The doctors do NOT know what disease process has been started by the vaccines. Which means if you get sick from a vaccine, the doctors presently have NO ideal how to help you. In other words, there is NO way to reverse any negative effects from the vaccines. There is NO antidote. When the negative effect of the vaccines starts, the doctors are helpless to stop it. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=16m24s


9. Since December 2020, in the United States alone, more than 26,000 people have died after injecting themselves with the vaccines. According to a study from Harvard, only 1% of vaccine injuries are reported. This means that the world number are likely to be MUCH HIGHER than 26,000 people have been killed by the vaccines.  Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=16m44s


10. The risk of your child dying of Covid-19 or getting seriously sick with Covid-19 is almost ZERO. So there is LITTLE or NO value in those vaccines. And children are NOT the main spreaders of the Covid-19. So why would you risk RUINING the life of your children with an experimental vaccine? Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=17m22s


11. If someone tells you that you need to vaccinate the children to protect you, your parents, or your grandparents. This make ABSOLUTE NONE SENSE AT ALL. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=17m44s

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How did we end up with DANGEROUS & DEADLY vaccines?

I would love an answer from the government about this question


I do not know the answer. I can only speculate an answer. My speculation is this. A minority of elected government public-servants & their employees make their decision based on information provided by sales person from pharmaceutical companies. Those sales people have an obvious CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

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Conflict of interest

( Image. Meme conflict of interest. IDU_20220731_201122. )

What is a "Conflict of Interest"?

For those not familiar with a conflict of interest (COI). A conflict of interest is a set of conditions in which professional judgment concerning a PRIMARY interest tends to be unduly influenced by a SECONDARY interest. For example, if the PRIMARY interest is the welfare of you the citizens or the validity of research. But this PRIMARY interest is unduly influenced by a SECONDARY interest about financial gain of pharmaceutical companies. Then there is a conflict of interest. Which is bad.

Examples of conflict of interest

( Image. Exemples of alleged conflict of interest. IDU_20220731_201804. )



___• https://archive.md/yO5g1#selection-599.0-615.6


___• https://archive.md/s6ljF


Within the context of vaccines for the Covid-19. There is an obvious conflict of interest. Because:

• Sales representative are paid by the pharmaceutical companies. Their primary interest is MONEY. Such as, but not limited to, increase the profit for their shareholder.

• Public-servants are paid by you the hard-working taxpayers. Their primary interest is to SERVE you the citizen. Such as, but not limited to, protect you from the dangers of vaccines.

• As for Doctors, for most of them, their primary interest is your health. Including, but not limited to, protect you from the dangers of vaccines.


Do you see now why there is a conflict of interest between the pharmaceutical companies, the public-servant, and the doctors? The primary interest of pharmaceutical companies is MONEY. In other words, hoarding money for both themselves and for their anonymous shareholders. In comparison, for most of the public-servants and doctors, their primary interest in your HEALTH. Money is not to confuse with health. Those are two different interests.


The risk is that if public servants or doctors get their information & recommendation mostly from pharmaceutical companies and somehow get benefits from pharmaceutical companies, in turn, it's risky that the public servants and doctors will make EVIL decisions. Instead, making Good decision focused on you HEALTH. Where EVIL decision are focus on a SECONDARY interest. Which is serving either themselves or the pharmaceutical companies. And where Good decisions are to focus on their PRIMARY interest. Which is about serving you the citizens.

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How to resolve this challenge about the DANGEROUS & DEADLY vaccines?

Here are my three suggestions for your review and decision. Presented in chronological order.


1. Educate

First, I suggest educating your public servants, their employees, and your doctors. About:

• What is a conflict of interest

• The difference between a pharmaceutical sales person, a doctor WITH conflict of interest, and a doctor WITHOUT conflict of interest. Those three are NOT to be confused.

• Evaluate if the doctor is with or without conflict of interest. If the doctor somehow benefit directly or indirectly from the sales of vaccines, then the doctor has a conflict of interest. Here are a few examples of frequent conflict of interest:

___• Pharmaceutical companies directly or indirectly invite & pay the expense of doctor going to various events. Such as, but not limited to sales show disguised as "conferences". For which the pharmaceutical companies pay for the lodging for the doctor and their family, food, and entertainment.

___• Pharmaceutical companies DO re-invite to future "events", ONLY the doctors who DO promote vaccines.

___• Pharmaceutical companies do NOT re-invite to future "events", the doctors who did NOT promote vaccines.

___• Pharmaceutical companies directly or indirectly pay for studies or researches. Which in turn are used by the doctor for their recommendation.

___• Pharmaceutical companies paid for equipment used to do the studies or researches?

___• People who did the studies or researches previously did paid work for the pharmaceutical companies?

___• Pharmaceutical companies directly or indirectly bribe doctors. Such as, but not limited to, donation to their relatives, gift, money.


2. 90% Good & 10% Evil

Second, suggest to both your elected public servants and doctor to FIRST spend 90% of their time, energy, and budget to get information and recommendations from doctors WITHOUT conflict of interest. AFTER this 90% is fully done, spend the remaining 10% of their time, energy, and budget to get additional information and recommendations from pharmaceutical companies or from doctors with conflict of interest. What if somehow the information from doctors and pharmaceutical companies are opposite? To resolve this challenge simply ALWAYS choose the information from doctor WITHOUT conflict of interest. For example, if the recommendation from doctors WITHOUT conflict of interest is that the present vaccines are DANGEROUS. And in comparison the recommendation from the pharmaceutical companies is that their present vaccines are SAFE. Simply choose the recommendation from the doctor WITHOUT conflict of interest. So that you continue to focus on YOUR PRIMARY internal interest. Which is Good. Instead of focusing on any external SECONDARY interest. Which risk to be Evil.


3. Vote In Or Out

Third, if your elected public servants did not serve you to your liking. For example, because they made their decision based mostly on recommendation from pharmaceutical companies & doctors with conflict of interest. Then simply vote out those public servants. Share your opinion with your friends. If they are also unhappy with the services of their elected public servant, in turn, they will vote them out.


4. Protect Your Election

Fourth, somehow double check that you elections are not FAKE. For example, but not limited to, record EVERYTHING in multiple copies in different location. Do periodic random and surprise audits. Allegedly there are many FAKE election results. Your vote is valuable and need to be appropriately included.

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Sources & Publications

For the Doctors & other health professionals who are interested in SOURCES, DATA, and publications in notable SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS, this group of Canadian Doctors re-published those on their website at:


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LOVE's Strategy 💗

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love means "human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at:



Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

With infinite love ♥

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EVIL's Strategy 👿

For those not familiar with the EVIL's behavior strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, HATRED, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA, EXPEDIENCY, SELFISHNESS, IGNORANCE, DESTRUCTION or NEGLECT.

Read more at:



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What is a public servant?

>A civil servant or public servant FIRST priority is to represent the interests of CITIZENS

>Many consider the study of service to be a part of the field of public administration. Workers in "non-departmental public bodies" (sometimes called "Quangos") may also be classed as civil servants for the purpose of statistics and possibly for their terms and conditions. Collectively a state's civil servants form its civil service or public service.


Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_service#United_States

Archived source at https://archive.fo/D7L7G#selection-65.90-65.182

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What Is A MONEY-Servant?

What is the opposite of a Public-Servant? A Money-Servant.

What is a Money-Servant? One example is a corporate lobbyist.


What is a corporate lobbyist? A corporate lobbyist FIRST priority is to represent the interests of CORPORATIONS

> [Corporate lobbyists arguably] have a significant corrupting influence in American politics.

> The general concern of this revolving-door activity is that both [Public-Servant] & elected officials—persons who were supposed to represent the interests of citizens—have instead become entangled with the big-money interests of for-profit corporations and interest groups with narrow concerns, and that public officials have been taken over by private interests.


Source at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobbying_in_the_United_States#Lobbying_controversies

Archived source at http://archive.fo/HEwDr

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What Is A Successful Public-Servant?


Her/his FIRST priority is to represent the interests of CITIZENS

Read more summary at https://www.oecd.org/gov/ethics/managingconflictofinterestinthepublicservice.htm

Archived 1 read more with summary at http://archive.fo/F4Clr

Archived 2 read more with summary at https://web.archive.org/web/20180921133904/https://www.oecd.org/gov/ethics/managingconflictofinterestinthepublicservice.htm

Read more with detailed toolkit at https://www.oecd.org/corruption/ethics/49107986.pdf

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Video Courageous & Successful Shift From Evil To Good

This is a video from Jack Abramoff. A Corporate lobbyist who courageously & successfully shifted his behaviors from Evil to Good:

• https://invidio.us/watch?v=NmD8xLi4JvU

• https://youtu.be/NmD8xLi4JvU

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Height more FACTS about vaccines for Covid-19

From the same Canadian Doctors


1. Social distancing is DANGEROUS to children. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=1m52s


2. 3 scientifically PROVEN reason why we should NOT be afraid of Covid-19. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=9s


3. Masks do more HARM to kids than good. The science shows that the mask to NOT protect you from Covid-19 and do NOT slow down the spread of Covid-19. To resolve this challenge we need to take the mask OFF our children. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=4m25s


4. Masks cause breathing problems for kids. 5 peoples died because they wore the mask. Not because of Covid-19. To resolve this challenge, children should NEVER wear a mask. While exercising, NOBODY of any age should wear a mask. Mask should be voluntary ONLY when you are sick and really can not stay home. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=6m30s


5. Masks caused severe psychological HARMS to kids. To resolve this, we must STOP forcing people to mask. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=8m55s


6. Evidence is overwhelming that masks HARM kids learning, and promote unhealthy negative interactions. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=10m28s


7. A large number of robust scientific studies have shown that the present preventive measures are NOT needed. To resolve this challenge, simply let kids be kids. The way it was BEFORE Covid-19. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=12m58s


8. According to studies, including one done by the CDC, enhanced cleaning chemical measures are NOT necessary. To resolve this challenge, we should and most reduce those chemical cleaning measures. Instead, simply use healthy soap to wash your hand is the BEST way to get rid of Covid-19. Like you did before Covid-19. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=18m2s

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How to protect your child against Covid-19?

• REFUSE to put a mask on your child. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=20m39s


• Consider homeschooling. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=20m44s


• Ensure kids get nutritious food. Vitamin D supplement. And a good multi vitamin every day. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=20m51s


• Encourage your kids to GET TOGETHER and PLAY. Or just hangout. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=20m57s


• Physical exercises and fresh air at least once a day. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=21m3s


• Make your voice heard. Write on social media. Write to your principal, trusties, politicians, community leaders, and sports organizations. Other parents will stand up with you. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=21m11s


• If that does not work, then bend together to hire a lawyer. It is up to you to speak for your children. Source at https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/973f9512-57cf-4020-85d0-1081bb554367?start=21m25s

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The author of this video are Canadian Doctors. The publisher is Canada Health Alliance. Show your support directly to the author at:

• Donate at https://www.canadahealthalliance.org/donate.html

• Website at https://www.canadahealthalliance.org

• Rumble videos at https://rumble.com/user/CanadaHealthAlliance

• Bitchute videos at https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FiWuEqhWlU1f/

• Telegram at https://t.me/CanadaHealthAlliance

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/canadahalliance

• Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/canadahealthalliance/

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• This blog is my opinion about the author(s) above. Nothing else. In other words, but not limited to, my blog is NOT a medical recommendation. If you need a medical recommendation, I suggest asking your doctor.

• I am NOT affiliated with the product(s) or service(s) mentioned above

• Above are suggestions from me as both a volunteer and user of the product(s) or service(s) mentioned above. I do NOT have a conflict of interest with the product(s) or service(s) mentioned above. I am not a sales representative for those product(s) or service(s) mentioned above.

• My opinions above are from me personally. NOT from a business.

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