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The Dash Embassy D-A-CH has set itself the goal of educating people in German-speaking countries about cryptocurrencies in general and Dash (Digital Cash) in particular. The free educational offer of the organization financed by the Dash DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) includes workshops and webinars, the publication of informational materials, and advice to merchants and consumers about the use of Dash. Together with qualified partners from the fields of communication, law and education, we shed light on the world of digital currencies, which is opaque for many people, and also shed light on legal aspects such as the taxation of income in Dash or the secure storage of cryptocurrencies. Our Website: https://www.dash-embassy.org/?lang=en Imprint: https://www.dash-embassy.org/legal-notice/?lang=en
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Date: All
The Dash Embassy D-A-CH has set itself the goal of educating people in German-speaking countries about cryptocurrencies in general and Dash (Digital Cash) in particular. The free educational offer of the organization financed by the Dash DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) includes workshops and webinars, the publication of informational materials, and advice to merchants and consumers about the use of Dash. Together with qualified partners from the fields of communication, law and education, we shed light on the world of digital currencies, which is opaque for many people, and also shed light on legal aspects such as the taxation of income in Dash or the secure storage of cryptocurrencies. Our Website: https://www.dash-embassy.org/?lang=en Imprint: https://www.dash-embassy.org/legal-notice/?lang=en