
It's time to change. Australia is suffering from an addiction to growth, growth in population (via high immigration) and consumption, and it's destroying our support systems... like a frog on slow-boil. When it comes to reducing Australia's ecological footprint we not only need to reduce our consumption but our population growth. Since 2003, Australia's net immigration has been extremely high at 200,000 plus. This is no longer the dark ages. We need to be able to debate freely the pros and cons of Australia's policy of rapid population growth via mass-immigration. Every day we need to build 400 new houses to accommodate this rapid growth, we need to build new hospitals, schools, roads and other important infrastructure, and it's not only unsustainable, we are having to sell off our country to foreign interests to pay for it all. Our current Liberal, Labor and even Greens politicians cannot bring themselves to question this growth. Do they think it's the 1950s or are they control by political donations? Do you have the courage to stand up? Subscribe and stay informed on what is really happening. We also share posts illustrating what a true 21st century economy might look like.
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It's time to change. Australia is suffering from an addiction to growth, growth in population (via high immigration) and consumption, and it's destroying our support systems... like a frog on slow-boil. When it comes to reducing Australia's ecological footprint we not only need to reduce our consumption but our population growth. Since 2003, Australia's net immigration has been extremely high at 200,000 plus. This is no longer the dark ages. We need to be able to debate freely the pros and cons of Australia's policy of rapid population growth via mass-immigration. Every day we need to build 400 new houses to accommodate this rapid growth, we need to build new hospitals, schools, roads and other important infrastructure, and it's not only unsustainable, we are having to sell off our country to foreign interests to pay for it all. Our current Liberal, Labor and even Greens politicians cannot bring themselves to question this growth. Do they think it's the 1950s or are they control by political donations? Do you have the courage to stand up? Subscribe and stay informed on what is really happening. We also share posts illustrating what a true 21st century economy might look like.