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Letter To My Children Who Took The Jab

Arrow - The Medical AnarchistAug 18, 2021, 7:12:29 PM

Readers... please feel free to use this writing adapted with your personal message to send to  your family and friends who took the jab.


Dear T and K,  


I am truly sorry for some of our conversation, T, during my visit.  I think perhaps we both said things that were not only hurtful but out of the heat of frustration and anger. I know for me it came because I was not prepared. I’m prepared now.


I want you to know that I love you, and the family you have created.  My wish for you all is prosperity and health, love and joy. 


This particular time in my life is filled with concerns for the future for those around me as well as myself.  I am so unsure as to how to proceed and, as well, I have been having some pretty intense bouts of depression since being in Costa Rica last year.  Although it eases up at times it does not go away.  I am seeking to rectify within myself those things that keep me in this stalemate, but only time can really do that…when this nightmare is over.  I long for it to be over. 


This is the hardest letter I’ve ever written in my life and many hours went into preparing it.


When you told me that you got the Covid vaccine it was a terrible shock and it threw me instantly into grief and anger.  I know  you believe that you did the right thing. I would never think that you did the wrong thing intentionally.  


My grief comes from the danger that I believe this drug  presents to the body…. the bodies of MY children. There are many thousands of doctors and researchers who are sounding the alarm.   Petitions for a  Nuremburg like trial are underway for crimes against humanity directed at the W.H.O., the C.D.C. and Davos Group, with over 10,000 doctors on board, along with 1,000 lawyers. 


I can only implore you to not take any more of these shots and it is becoming apparent that they will likely be requiring boosters.  The reports are now coming in from fertility clinics that this shot is destroying sperm motility and the ability of the egg to develop into an embryo. More and more reports are coming in of women miscarrying who have not even had the shot but who closely affiliate with those who do, suggesting some kind of contagion that interrupts other tissues in the body (28 of them) that naturally have a spike protein structure (such as the placenta) that the Covid spike protein may cross react with. The implications of this could be immense.  It is a considerable risk until more is known, considering that this disease is highly curable and not that severe for otherwise healthy people. This is only a part of the reported ill effects.   I am praying that these effects from the vaccine can and will wear off over time but we do not know if they will or not.


People are researching frantically now to try to find a remedy to the vaccine and the shedding that doctors are saying that it causes. Hopefully we will have something soon. Many women whose  husbands or boyfriends have had the shot are now bleeding from the uterus, including post-menopausal women.  The shedding is real. DO NOT BELIEVE THE LYING MEDIA!


I am presenting to you the leading evidence I have found regarding this disease and how to treat it, which will come in another letter after I hear from you and you tell me that you want it. As your mother, and I am playing the mother card big time right now,  I’m playing it like lives depend on it. I am praying you will honor me, as your mother,  and carefully go through all the information and links I have provided.  You owe it to yourself, to each other, and most of all to Knox.


After you go through this and when I hear back from you via email, and I am going to be persistent, I will send information on what people are finding that will potentially detox this mess, information from leading doctors and researchers.  There appears to be quite a bit.  New information is coming out every day.  You will need to do it to avoid ADE and other issues.  


I have said my piece and it is off my chest now.  I could not go on without warning you, and I could not bear my conscious if I did not warn you. .  You will do what you will. I can only  implore you both to look at the links I have provided very carefully, and take the time it requires, so that you will have fully informed consent, for you have not had fully informed consent, and so that you will know what action to take if you become ill either from COVID or from the injections that you took.


I will keep resending this email to you until you make me aware that both you and Kori have received it




What is ADE?... this is critical for you to understand


It is important to understand what ADE because some of the following doctors will mention it.  In this article  you will find a link to the Wikipedia article on ADE which I read a few months ago and that I was going to reference here. It is now pulled from Wikipedia, but wiki did rewrite it and it has a new address. 



In this new and updated version of the wiki article they do mention ADE related to Covid and the animal experiments. They state that so far, no ADE has been found in those who have had the vaccine but what they fail to mention in the article is that all the animals died 2 years after their injections, not 6 months or less, where we are now currently at the time of this writing.

“ADE was a concern during late clinical stages of vaccine development against COVID-19.[25][26]

ADE was observed in animal studies during the development of coronavirus vaccines, but as of 14 December 2020 no incidents had been observed in human trials. "Overall, while ADE is a theoretical possibility with a COVID-19 vaccine, clinical trials in people so far have not shown that participants who received the vaccine have a higher rate of severe illness compared to participants who did not receive the vaccine."[27][28]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibody-dependent_enhancement  the new wiki address

https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibody-dependent-enhancement  the old wiki address


BREAKING! French Study Published In Journal Of Infections Claims That ADE Or Antibody Dependent Enhancement Is Occurring In Delta Variant Infections! 

Source: ADE and Delta Variant  Aug 13, 2021  6 days ago https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/breaking-french-study-published-in-journal-of-infections-claims-that-ade-or-antibody-dependent-enhancement-is-occurring-in-delta-variant-infections?fbclid=IwAR3KitMwjP2cSPLw1OQnXAm-6YcxxhsqsqtZnkeRT1Y-93GugroJ52HTfd4



Greet Vanden Bossche PHD. DMV  One of the highest ranking virologists in the world speaks about this jab. He is in general not anti-vax . He exposes the issues regarding this 







Dr. Bossche with Dr. McCullough  https://ugetube.com/watch/a-discussion-with-geert-vanden-bossche-dvm-phd-peter-mccullough-md-mph_tVcUnZ8sssjGKlF.html


Dr. Ryan Cole MD  pathologist at the White Coat Summit asks some very pertinent questions about this study or an experimental vaccine.



Karen Kingston, a vaccine whistle blower from Pfizer Company, who worked ‘doing analysis of intellectual property in the legal landscape for physicians and pharma, a scientific writer and does critical analysis as well’… she exposes graphene oxide in the vaccines:  https://rumble.com/vkgdq7-deadly-shots-former-pfizer-employee-confirms-poison-in-covid-vaccine.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=4


Jane Doe This is a report on the law suit being filed by Attorney Thomas Renz who says that a CDC whistle blower came to him and said that the CDC was aware of 45,000 deaths within 3 days of the vaccine injection and that there are multiple reporting methods to the CDC aside from VAERs that the public is not aware of. This woman made testimony in court under  threat of perjury in Alabama. https://medicalkidnap.com/2021/07/19/attorney-files-lawsuit-against-cdc-based-on-sworn-declaration-from-whistleblower-claiming-45000-deaths-are-reported-to-vaers-all-within-3-days-of-covid-19-shots/


10 minute Video of Attorney Renz here: https://rumble.com/vk28y9-u.s.-federal-lawsuit-filed-based-on-cdc-whistleblower-claiming-45000-deaths.html



Dr. Hoffe M.D 


This doctor found out that people who have had the vaccine are experiencing micro blood clots that can lead to stroke can only be found with the D-Dimer test. People who get the shot and get bad headaches have been going to the ER and having brain scans done to look for signs of stroke, as quite a few people have had stoke after the shot. When no signs show in the tests they are sent home. Turns out that only larger clots can be seen in these scans. Many of these people were found dead hours or a couple of days later. Dr Hoffe explains why this is happening.  Some doctors are now doing the D-dimer test to find out if micro-blood clots are happening.   



Dr. Malone MD – The King Pin!


Who is Dr Robert Malone? He is the inventor of the mRNA synthetic strand that is in the vaccines that tells your body cells to override its current DNA program to produce Spike Proteins all over the body, including the heart, lungs, ovaries, brain.


Dr Malone discusses the vaccine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA8qMb33Zyo


Dr. Malone https://ugetube.com/watch/8PRciicQuVQc61Y  


Dr Malone’s professional references: 


https://www.rwmalonemd.com/about-us  At the onset of Malone speaking out there was a great bio page for him detailing every professional event of his career.. this page is no longer found.





I viewed this Wikipedia page. it was a standard page listing the work of Dr Malone over his long carrier as a research scientist. But now it’s gone




Now Wikipedia has a slander page on Dr Malone because of his refusal to support the vaccine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_W._Malone


Here is a list of published papers which Malone  did, all 84 published works. I is one of the most knowledgeable men on the planet about virus and mRNA. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Jf1bApYAAAAJ&hl=en






Dr Malone is concerned about the vaccine causing infertility problems. This podcast is critical in understanding what is going on with this vaccine and is the most comprehensive interview of him:



From Dr Malone’s Wife: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/history-how-mrna-vaccines-were-discovered-jill-glasspool-malone-phd





Dr. Peter McCullough MD – Baylor University Medical School Professor, Cardiologist,  published researcher. Leader in his field. This article encompasses all of Dr McCullough’s positions. Please open all the offered links and view all the videos.





The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation. Page 16 shows you what the adverse reactions that they, the FDA, anticipated with the vaccine health wise, which were not told to the public, eliminating all informed consent of any meaning and hence, free choice. All of these effects  have come true for many thousands of people who got vaccinated.   https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download


Picture of page 16 from the report here:



You have to scroll this video to 1:31 for it to start...The Truth for Health Foundation and LifeSiteNews present “Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story.” This online meeting will feature Dr. Peter McCullough, Attorney Thomas Renz, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Sister Deidre Byrne, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Dr. Jose Trasancos, and other prominent physicians, scientists, attorneys, and religious leaders who will be discussing vital information related to the COVID jab, clinical trials, and more. 


This vaccine is highly dangerous to fertility!

Complications of the vaccine are discussed. You have to scroll this video to 1:31 for the video to start.  This is a critical video. I'm fighting for your life. 





Dr. Roger Hodkinson MD  and a Lab CEO reports... you need to listen his, even though his anger is palpable because he understands the agenda and how many will be hurt or murdered . no evidence of safety whatsoever  in the traditional sense of the word. Given to pregnant women with absolutely no testing! and telling them it's safe!  How do they know? They don't know. Now women are having babies with strange birth defects. 70% given the jab in their first trimester miscarried, typical is 10%. Why would  a woman take this with no long term studies on pregnancy? Controlled and brainwashed out of critical thinking.




Dr. David Martin, Lawyer: This page takes you to David Martin video, a lawyer who has been researching all this for several years.  He reveals all the patents that the CDC and others have on the coronavirus starting in 2021.




These are some of my notes from Martin’s videos. 

The CDC holds many patents.. over 40. Many related to coronavirus from as early as 2001 April 2002 NAID patent Methods for producing recombinant Coronavirus  US7279327 B2 (or 82? –Was hard to read if it was B or 8) the bioengineered creation of the coronavirus… and was to be used as an HIV vaccine.


Fauci and others tried to create patents that already exist in nature (natural gene sequence)  which is illegal and the patent office denied patents because of this. 


How do we know the  CDC paid to keep this patent private?


3  days after coronavirus was patented Sequoia  pharmacy files patents for treatment of corona virus…. this company was eventually dissolved and Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson  picked up a part of it.

April 2003 Antiviral agents for the treatment, control and prevention of coronavirus.  Patent # US7151163B2  (or 82 at the end)


June 5th 2008 DARPA  wanted to patent proteins of  the novel features of the spike virus, ace two binding properties, poly basic cleavage site,  novel protection proteins  

to create harness and treat the coronavirus for the treatment control and prevention of infections by coronaviruses 


Enables our RNA and  genes strands  within us to be manipulated by the  coronavirus and the vaccines 

Between 2008 and 2019  The patents for all the elements of SARs and Coronavirus appear…

which were allegedly a NOVEL virus (new undiscovered)


Nov 24th 2015 patent  US9193780  enables the RNA  and gene strains in our body to be manipulated by the coronavirus and vaccines … title  “Amino Acid Sequences directed against envelope proteins of a virus and poly peptides comprising the same for the treatment of viral disease”


It was not a lab leak.. it was a biological attack 


April 2001  Patent number 7279327 method for producing recombinant  corona virus… (in other words, a virus that could target your lungs)  (scroll to 18:00 in the video)


2004.. The “New Normal” term was coined as a campaign slogan in 2004 by Merck. also used by Gates, the CCP, then Fauci.” The campaign to get the world cooperation to adopt a vaccine..Global Preparedness Monitoring …… ‘Global Preparedness Monitoring’  the  board   “Gates DR Elias of the Gates Foundation , CCP director of disease control , Fauci 


2008 to 2019 patents made for all of the elements of SARS and Coronavirus

It was all lab created with a manufactured release of these virus


2015 to 2016  Peter Daszak  from the  eco health alliance  -  “we need to increase public understanding  of the need for medical countermeasures such a as a  pan coronavirus vaccine,  a key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype  to our advantage to get to the real issue.

Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process”   https://www.ecohealthalliance.org/personnel/dr-peter-daszak


In Israel where almost all of their citizens have been vaccinated, they are now having a crisis with Covid again. The hospitals are overflowing with Covid patients who have been fully vaccinated….sick enough to be in hospital. 


Very good report regarding the inability of  courts to provide documentation that the Covid virus actually exists, which has resulted in mandates of infection control being eliminated in districts in various nations. It also examines Koch’s postulates, the backbone of pathology and the discernment of disease.  https://home.frankspeech.com/tv/video/cyber-symposium-exposes-raid-clerks-office-fake-doctors-exposed-pilot-speaks-out-and-more?fbclid=IwAR3JEtloDoje2_F8D_f_6prlgU4VFVQ1Zph3LidNwk3pBkD-iYMnKCUIjX8



Full vaccinated are 65% more likely to be hospitalized & 1540% more likely to die due to Covid than people who are vaccinated according to latest Public Health England data 



“This is a mechanical device in a very small packet of technology to that is being inserted in the human system to push the cell to be a pathogen manufacturing site. (pathogen: something that produces disease) …. it is a technology not a vaccine, it is not a living system or a biological system, it’s a synthetic chemical pathogen delivery device designed to unleash a chemical pathogen within every cell of the body.”…Dr Malone


80% of people  exposed to the virus have no response to it at all.  80% of the people who inject this into them have a clinical adverse effect of various degrees. 

It can directly cause MS, ALS, Guillain-Barre syndrome, seizures,  accelerated cancer growth 


Dr Mike Yeadon PHD  , former 16 year Pfizer CEO Confirms Poison in Covid ‘Vaccine’ https://rumble.com/vkgdq7-deadly-shots-former-pfizer-employee-confirms-poison-in-covid-vaccine.html


Two Pfizer Jabs = 5-6 Times weaker immune system. I did have the name and location of this virologist at one point but have misplaced it. He is a real person.






Researchers have found Graphene Oxide in the vaccines.  This is a highly toxic material. See the screen shot I acquired on Wikipedia below.  



Blood with Graphene Oxide https://www.bitchute.com/video/gSEUkG0AB8J5/agvf340lp  



The Quinta Columna research affiliated with the University of Almeria, in Spain did an analysis on the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine which included analysis by visualization with an electron microscope.   Graphene oxide was found to compose 99% of the solution.  Ricardo Delgado Martin, Founder and Director of Quinta Columna. Ricardo is responsible for coordinating the Spanish research team’s analysis of the impacts of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the vial of the mRNA vaccine.



This leads to the full study which I have downloaded.  For me, Adobe Flash player pops us and is a pain in the butt but I did manage to reject is so I could read the study. https://www.docdroid.net/Ov1M99x/official-interim-report-in-english-university-of-almeria-pdf#page=3


Summary of Study: https://www.globalresearch.ca/graphene-oxide-detection-aqueous-suspension/5749529


There is a lot of research reports on the use of magnetification to transport elements into cells using lipid nano particle encasements of those elements, just like in the current Covid vaccine  



Magnetofection – a highly efficient tool for antisense oligonucleotide delivery in viro and in vivo



Functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity 



German Study proves that some people have become magnetized https://www.globalresearch.ca/study-electromagnetism-vaccinated-persons-luxembourg/5749516


Graphene oxide and the vaccine . and more



Although this video is in Spanish please scroll to 15:15 to view magnetic properties of this vaccine.  I have seen literally dozens of videos like this from all over the world, including India, Brazil, England, Italy. What I want to bring your attention to is the woman who is testifying to the Ohio House Health Committee, scroll to 24:20 https://odysee.com/@laquintacolumna:8/NANOPARTÍCULASDEÓXIDODEGRAFENOENVACUNAANTIGRIPALYOTRASELOBJETIVOPROGRAMA52:f?r=CUR9r3nj4XgAwW5Pv1KfAHBStsVfsEYP


I am administrator of a face book alternative health group. I now have 3 members there who have reported becoming magnetic.  What is clear is that this phenomena are occurring in people who have not had the vaccine also.  But clearing, some  people who have had the jab are experiencing magnetic properties specifically at the injection site.

This is Norma,  one of the three women in my group who are reporting magnification.. She did not have the vaccine.  Somehow, I cannot let go of the idea that vaccine events we are seeing may be related to 5G.   During the first bout of the pandemic last spring, 2020, many businesses were shut down, people restricted from travel. Yet the crews for erecting 5G were in full force, both here in the USA and in Europe and I heard these reports early on when I was in Costa Rica. What will the effects of these powerful frequencies be in people who have graphene oxide in their bodies? There has been a video going around of a cell phone next to a pile of graphene oxide. When it is turned on  the graphene reacts in a bizarre way.


Although there appears to be magnetic properties, this is more than just common magnetism as we are familiar with because metallic objects that do not normally become magnetic are sticking to people, like brass keys and coins, gold rings.


Veins glow under black light. Is this related to SM-1022 and Luciferase in the Moderna Vaccine? https://odysee.com/@TheAmericandebtSlave:5/My-brothers-neighbors-are-Magnetic:4?

This link details Luciferase and SM-102:  https://truthinplainsight.com/moderna-vaccine-contains-sm-102/ 


Further bringing to your attention:


It is happening to people both vaccinated and not vaccinated, but in the vaccinated it definitely starts at the injection site and then spreads through the body over days. 


Videos in English on this topic are quickly eliminated from YouTube. 



In India




Now we are having another round of Covid.  But is it Covid or is it a disease caused by the vaccination? What can we expect to happen over time when this toxic protein is inserted into every organ of the body? 


Its skyrocketing in Iceland, where most people have been vaccinated. Acceleration occurred when the vaccines were introduced.






I am not sure how long this link will be active. I’m amazed that it was there at all. Fully Vaccinated People Are 65% More Likely to be Hospitalized & 1,540% More Likely to Die – Public Health England:





To top it all off and add to our confusion in early August 2021 the CDC posted an article stating that the PCR test was defective and was the cause of many false positives. I took a screen shot of it as did other people.  The article was not up for long and has now been deleted and I could not even find it on the way back machine. I wish I had fully copied it.  If the test is not reliable how can we make assumptions or conclusions about the spread of this disease.  How can we trust any statistics on it? What the article went on to say was that the test could not discern the difference between a flu strain and a Covid strain. well, we knew that all along, those of us who do research and listen to leading researchers. The tests have been fraudulent and there is no such thing as non-symptomatic spreaders. 



Dr. Vladimir Zelenko MD treated many hundreds, (6,000 he now says) of COVID patients in NYC early on in this pandemic. None of his patients had to go to the hospital. His treatment protocol was very successful. This is a disturbing video that I believe you need to face.  The collective ‘we’ are becoming hopeful of developing methods of detoxing this vaccine. I will include that information at the end. 





An ER Room Doctor’s Testimonial… I’ve probably seen 10 like this from ER personnel from both this year and last spring 2020.






A credible whistle blower has come forward, alleging deaths occurring within 72 hours of a COVID 19 injection are significantly under reported in the publicly available VAERS database maintained by the FDA. This is shocking, and informed consent, which is required under the law, is impossible when safety data is so misleading. As of July 9th, reported deaths in VAERS totaled 10,991. Of those 4,593 were within 72 hours of vaccination. The CMS whistleblower has made a sworn statement that the actual number of deaths are conservatively five-times higher, meaning as of this date we are approaching at least 55,000 vaccine related deaths.


Many deaths are happening after the second injection. What would a 3rd injection do?



Many thousands, upwards of 55,000 have died from this vaccine, as   reported to the CDC according to a CDC whistle blower who gave her testimony in court under perjury. Court suits are now being filed in Alabama due to her testimony.  


The main stream media will point at every person who died from Covid and press it in your face but the people who die from the injections remain faceless to you, and consequently not quite real. If someone dies or is injured there is no compensation, life insurance will not pay, health insurance will not pay if it is believed they became ill or died from the experimental injection that the individual submitted themselves to.




I could put up 100s of posts like this. I will spare you.  There is going to be a march on September 4th in NYC for the injured and dead from the vaccines, if the city even allows it.


Please keep in mind that Harvard Researchers have told us that only 1% report serious injury to the CDC


This media says its rare. over 500,000 cases of injury now reported. This is a real propaganda piece but I’m sure the media did not know at this time that there are about 11 avenues for reports to the CDC, which we didn’t know until the CDC whistle blower came out. 





At Least 18 Cases of Apparent Heart Problems in Young People in CT After COVID-19 Vaccine (this kind of heart damage will never heal properly. The Heart tissues do not regenerate. They will be susceptible to early death)




Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (A German Doctor)

The Planning for Nuremberg Trials for Crimes Against  Humanity. A very informative video!
