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Hunting for vengeance

Animeman73Sep 27, 2021, 4:13:54 AM

Hello Minds viewers, Animeman73 here again. It’s time for another addition to Inessa Burnell’s #IBASwordtember challenge. 

And it’s day 26. We are closing in on the finish line.

For day 26, the word/subject is: Animal.

Let me show you what I came up with for this vignette as we return to the worlds of fantasy. Enjoy.


The man crept through the woods, every sense of his on alert. He wore his wolf furs and hunting garb. He carried a sheathed sword and his bow stood ready to fire. I’ll find you beast, then I’ll prove I’m worthy, the young man thought.

Jargas Moonstalker of the Wolf’s head clan snuck through the Varsheras woodlands. But tonight, was no hunt for food, tonight was a special hunt.

I will find you dread beast, the one who killed my father and I will bring you down, and prove my manhood.

Tonight, he sought the dread two-legged Bull-man. The one who had killed his father and so many younger warriors including some friends of his. While this was a difficult test to prove his manhood, his mind was set to his task.

The young man heard the sounds of forest animals chirping and bubbling brooks.

Jargas had heard all the stories from the Tribe Shamans. These woods held all kinds of magical and dangerous beasts.

The old tales said this forest and its creatures were the product of a war from many generations ago.

A loud snort drew the young man's attention to his right. Without another word he crept behind a tree and hid. He waited, his heart beating, his blood rushing in his ears.

Some rustling in the brush ahead caused him to duck back behind the tree. He heard the sounds of hooved feet walking into the clearing. A quick peek behind a tree, and the young man almost gaped at what he saw.

Before him stood a large humanoid with the head of a bull and carried a crude but bloodied axe in both hands. The creature looked around and smelled the air.

I know you can smell fear beast, I will respect you but not fear you, Jargas thought.

The creature looked around and then smirked. “You think too loud boy,” it chimed. “I can hear your thoughts clear as the sun on a cloudless day.” He added.

Whatever Jargas had expected, it hadn't been that.

He stepped out of the woods bow at the ready. Yet the young man was trembling as he aimed for the creature.

“I see you’re another one of those Wolf’s Head tribesman. Come to kill me for the deaths of your fellows hmm?”

The creature flashed a grin that showed sharp canines. “Let’s have at it then! I imagine you’ll be as tasty as those other fools who came hunting me!”

Without another word, Jargas let loose with the arrow. The beast moved the flat of its axe to deflect the blow. “Like those other hunters!” it sneered.

The creature rushed Jargas. The young man dove out of the way and rolled to his feet. He drew the wolf’s head two-handed sword given as part of his initiation rite. “I will coat this blade with your blood beast!” Jargas snapped.

“Careful tasty little boy,” The beast retorted. “You shouldn't make boasts you can’t keep.”

The creature stormed over to Jargas. The young man grasped his sword with both hands.

The Bull-man swung his axe downward. The tribesman swung his blade into a defensive stance. The axe struck the sword creating a loud clank as the weapons collided.

The sword did not break from the impact. 

The Bull-man looked surprised by this. “This blade is far better material than the usual fair I get from you Barbarians. I’ll add this to my collection when I’m done with you,”

The Bull-man went for an underhanded swing. But Jargas slid out of the way of the attack. The young barbarian heard and felt the whoosh of the blade’s swing.

The Bull-man pulled back into a guarding stance.

“You chose to move back, that's a change from the usual stand your ground tactic I see from other barbarians. I love a good challenge it whets my appetite for human flesh even more.” It taunted.

Jargas rushed the beast. The monster caught his sword strike with its axe. “Silence animal!” Jargas snapped. “You who murdered my friends and father Yorvar Moonstalker!”

The Bull-man’s eyes widened. “Oh, you’re the child of my first prey. Well then this will be a very special kill indeed. First the father then the son, how delicious!”

The creature pushed him off. “Give it up boy, I read your mind and can predict every move you make.”

Finally, the ramifications of what the Bull-man had been saying sunk in. A mind reader, like the Greater ShamansThis isn’t good!

“No, it’s not good for the tribe or you!” it chimed and rushed forward.

Jargas managed to catch the attack of the Bull-man. But it kept beating at his sword again and again, until it pushed him up against a tree. “You see your death my tasty prey, I’m going to enjoy this!”

Jargas' every sense picked up, as his heart pumped staring at his potential death. The creature drew back, and then launched a single deadly swing.

At the last second, Jargas fell to the ground. The momentum of the Bull-Man’s blow carried it deep into the tree behind him. Jargas summersaulted to his feet.

As the bull tried to pull it’s axe out Jargas struck! He launched a single swing aimed right at the head of the magical beast.

His reward was the gushing of blood all over his face and clothing. The body fell to the ground limp. The head flew into the air then dropped to the ground nearby.

Jargas panted as he looked over the situation. Then he walked over to where the lifeless head was. He picked it up and let out a wolf-like howl of victory.

In that moment, as his father had so long ago, Jargas Moonstalker became a man.


Swordtember story #25

Swordtember story #27