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Dark summoning

Animeman73Sep 30, 2021, 11:16:01 PM

Hello everyone, it’s Animeman73 here once again. It’s day 28 of Inessa Burnell’s #IBASwordtember challenge. A couple more to go and it’s all over.

For day 28, the word/subject is: Bone.

Let me show you the bone I had my imagination throw to me. Let the fantasy goodness begin.


The night air was cold, colder than normal. The graveyard of the town of Karsteth stood empty and dank. Clouds gathered around a pale as a ghost full moon overhead, the only sign of what was to come.

Distant church bells and the cold wind added to the eerie sense.

Into this dark and dank scene came two individuals dressed in black cloaks. “Are you ready daughter?” one of the hooded figures asked of the other.

“Yes, honored matron and Mother.” The other figure answered in a lifeless tone.

“Good, I have poured all my knowledge of Necromancy into you. We have much to do. We must not disappoint Lady Hel.”

“No milady,” the second figure agreed.

The two looked around. “The graveyard keeper is still at the local tavern. Which means you and I can get what we need."

The figure looked around. "Begin the chant girl!” the first hooded figure snapped.

     The second figure removed their hood revealing a Brunette woman with long hair. She began the Necromancy chant. “Vontro Ciniatha Vochentho!” the girl recited over and over.

The first figure threw off their hood revealing a blonde-haired woman. From her cloak she drew a sword made of bone.

She lifted it up towards the sky. The sword began to glow with a sickly green light.

“Good, the Magic of Hel’s Bone Sword is working. Soon this Republic and everyone in it will know my wrath!” The woman muttered with a cold smile.

She called out, “Dead of the Karsteth graveyard, rise from your eternal slumber! Rise and serve Lady Hel and Lord Surtur! Rise and grant me revenge on the Yjanovir Republic!”

Energy from the sword shot forth as the brunette girl continued the chant. The energy flowed over the graves as if carried by the cold winds. From the graves nothing happened at first. But then the graves began to tremble.

Both females sensed the incredible dark energy. “It’s working daughter continue!” The blonde commanded.

The girl’s chanting got louder. “Rise dead of the Karsteth graveyard, rise and serve the rightful Empress of this country”

From the ground hands burst forth. Some decayed and decrepit, others clawed. Other graves burst open as translucent figures with skeletal faces floated upwards.

Nearby coffins opened as men and women with pale white faces rose, their eyes red as blood. They flashed white fangs eager for the hunt for living prey.

In a matter of moments zombies and ghouls oozed from the graves. Specters and ghosts floated over, and Vampires and Wights came forth.

The older woman pointed the sword at her daughter. “Enough child!” she commanded.

The daughter stopped. The blonde woman turned to the army of undead. “Welcome my children, welcome to the service of the Great lady Hel and Lord Surtur.” She greeted.

The brunette asked, “Honored matron and mother, why are we doing this?”

The blonde woman looked on the brunette. “Because my sweet Hjolda these Republic rebel scum will not listen to reason. They see our worship of Hel and Surtur as an abomination. They do not understand people like us, so we must make them understand.”

“But why are Lady Hel and Lord Surtur so cruel?” Hjolda asked.

The blonde explained. “Because the world is a cruel place, only the strong and ruthless survive. The strong take from the weak, that is how it should be.

“We are strong in our faith in Surtur and Hel, so we take what we will. Any who defy us either submit or die, that is the only way!"

“The brunette shook her head. “I don’t know Mother. This all seems too cruel. These undead were once people who had families.

And you and I were once members of the Royal house of…’

The blonde woman slapped the brunette. “I told you never to use that name girl. And do not question our Gods, only obey!”

The teen girl shivered as she stared at the angry woman and nodded her compliance.

The blonde smiled in satisfaction.

She turned to the dead. “Come my servants, come! Let us head to my sanctuary. For soon we and our human allies march on the Republic."


Swordtember story #27

Swordtember story #29