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Batman Ninja review

Animeman73Sep 9, 2019, 3:16:14 PM

. everyone. Animeman73 here with another great movie review. This time I’ll be reviewing the animated movie, Batman Ninja.

I hope you enjoy my review of this movie and I'll try to make it as entertaining as possible. Please feel free to check out any of the links at the end of this. They'll lead you to more of my work or they'll show you how you can support me.

Author's notes: Fair warning there will be some major spoilers for this movie. Also, under the fair use law of 1976 all pictures used in this are legal since this is a review.


Batman: Ninja. This is a shining addition to the DC animated universe. When I first saw the movie trailer the premise intrigued me.

After watching it I can say this didn't disappoint.

This is a very unique take on the Batman franchise. In it the Caped Crusader gets transported to Feudal-Era Japan. The person responsible surprise-surprise being his archenemy The Joker.


Where am I? Not Gotham city Bats.



In feudal Japan his technology gets destroyed. And he faces off against some of Gotham’s worst villains. Worse they've managed to become feudal warlords.

I love movies where the hero faces impossible odds! To prevail Batman must master the ways of the Ninja.

But he won't be alone in his fight. Red Hood, Red Robin, Nightwing, and Robin (Damien Wayne) also got transported back. Alfred and Catwoman also came to this historical period.

Also, a group of ninjas known as the Bat Clan of Hira come to his aide.


This is Eian. He's the leader of the BatClan on ninjas.


A rogue's gallery of Batman Archvillains!



What makes this great is the idea of Batman getting taken out of his element. And faced with a set of challenges foreign to his experience.

A note on this movie for everyone. This is a Japanese production not an American one.

Despite the cultural differences its creators still stayed true to canon. And produced a thrilling, action-packed movie. With the gorgeous visuals that we have come to associate with the anime art form.

In this movie expect to see The Joker, Poison Ivy, Two-Face, and even Gorilla Grodd. All up to no good in this time.

This movie may be a little over the top with the action. In fairness Kazuki Nakashima wrote the screenplay. He's the creator of Gurren Lagann and Kill La Kill so over the top action comes standard.

Takashi Okazaki did the character designs. His credits include Afro-Samurai. I haven’t seen the series, but I’ve heard nothing but high praise for it.

And again, this movie did not disappoint. The music for this movie got composed by by Yugo Kanno. His resume includes series such as Psycho-Pass and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.


When in Rome make like the Romans. When in Japan make like the Japanese.


What makes this great is the idea of Batman getting taken out of his element. And faced with a set of challenges foreign to his experience.

A note on this movie for everyone. This is a Japanese production not an American one.

Despite the cultural differences its creators still stayed true to canon. And produced a thrilling, action-packed movie. With the gorgeous visuals that we have come to associate with the anime art form.

In this movie expect to see The Joker, Poison Ivy, Two-Face, and even Gorilla Grodd. All up to no good in this time.

This movie may be a little over the top with the action. In fairness Kazuki Nakashima wrote the screenplay. He's the creator of Gurren Lagann and Kill La Kill so over the top action comes standard.

Takashi Okazaki did the character designs. His credits include Afro-Samurai. I haven’t seen the series, but I’ve heard nothing but high praise for it.

And again, this movie did not disappoint. The music for this movie got composed by Yugo Kanno. His resume includes series such as Psycho-Pass and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

On the whole this movie kept me on my toes. It was hard to tell whether Batman would succeed in his mission or not. Keeping the tension and suspense is key with any good action-packed movie.

There were some great plot twists thrown in. Such as Gorilla Grodd letting power go to his head surprise-surprise. And there was also a little plot twist from The Joker and Harley Quinn in this movie.

Pulling the wool over the Bat Family's eyes is no small feat. It made for solid entertainment.


The only way to fool you, was to fool myself!


Batman won't be alone in this fight!


The servants of the Demon King.


That's right Bats! Joker is even creepier as a samurai.



But Batman: Ninja wasn't without flaws.

I noticed some major flaws in this movie. First, there was never an explanation on how the main villains took over the Japanese states. Even a brief explanation might've given some clarity to things.


Two-Face, Penguin, Poison Ivy, and Deathstroke feudal Lords? Um...clairification needed please.



Moreover, Robin aka Damien Wayne is not as dark a character as he should be. And for some reason was also given a pet monkey. I found this a gimmick which falls short.

Damien from what I've seen would not be one to adopt pets. If anything, he's always been a loner. At least when his backstory gets considered.


Damien Wayne cheerful and with a monkey? That's a little too gimmicky.



Poison Ivy, and Two-Face were two villains I thought didn't get as much development. And neither did Deathstroke for that matter. Gorilla Grodd and The Joker got some great development as characters though.


Gorilla Grodd is still the brilliant and evil ape supremacist DC fans known him as in this.



Here are my thoughts on some of the English Dub voice cast. Roger Craig Smith does an excellent job as the voice of Batman and his alter ego Bruce Wayne. While not exactly Kevin Conroy, Craig still does a superb job.


Roger Craig Smith did an excellent job as Batman and Brruce Wayne.


Yuri Lowenthal shows his surprising range of characters by taking on the part of Red Hood, a character who was mentally messed up by the Joker and he delivers his performance of the dangerous vigilante anti-hero in a fashion that gives anyone who watches him the impression that this is indeed Red Hood.

Yuri captures the essence of the character which fans of Red Hood will find satisfying.


Yuri Lowenthal's turn as Red Hood does the character justice. Very well done!


Tara Strong pulls off a good performance as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. She could’ve done more I thought. But the problem there had more to do with not getting enough screen time.

Still as always Tara Strong delivers a solid performance.


Tara Strong as Poison Ivy


Tara Strong as Harley Quinn both characters she did well.


Grey Griffin voices Catwoman AKA Selena Kyle. She does a great job as the female anti-hero. The chemistry between her and Roger Craig Smith’s Batman was very believable.

Griffith’s sultry performance captured the essence of Catwoman.


Grey Griffin as Catwoman AKA Selena Kyle is at her sultry best.




Tony Hale’s Joker isn’t exactly Mark Hamill’s. But he does a great job of making the villain his own character. He may seem a cheesy comic book bad guy.

But underneath is an educated, brilliant, and insane psychopath. One who knows exactly what they're doing. This gets made clear when Joker mentions how he hypnotized himself.


Everyone is calling me the most powerful man in Japan. THE DEMON KING LORD JOKER!!!!


This sort of brilliance is what makes The Joker one of Batman’s deadliest enemies. Tony Hale did a superb voicing job. He captures the essence of the iconic supervillain.

Some would say this might not be the greatest of Batman movies. But it is still a solid addition to the DC’s offering and deserves a solid B grade. Batman: Ninja is available on DVD, Blu-Ray or via a streaming service and is well worth the watch.


This movie on Blue-Ray, DVD, or streaming is worth the buy!


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Thank you for reading this review. I’m Animeman73 saying stay true to yourselves, stay classy, and God bless you all.


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