Andrew M. Cummins

Andrew M. Cummins is an artist, musician, and solitary practitioner of the Arte Magical. To fulfill greater needs than the mundane bread winning existence, Andrew currently seeks to externalize his esoteric visions in several series of artistic works. Waves of monochromatic fascination, synchronistic assemblage, sigils, enciphered glossolalia, and automatic paintings emerge in his wake. Andrew uses symbolically charged materials to ensorcel sympathetic links into his paintings and sculptures. These works are often created during emotional highs and lows, states of trance and madness - the extremes of exploration and isolation. Phases of red and blue expand and contract upon the living canvas, even as the hues of the cosmos are painted daily - only to be seen in our eyes as the past. We connect to the ghostly light of the stars outside-yet-within. As form and void dance in the positive and negative spaces, while our Being is permeated by Un-Being, a non-dualistic strand of magic is woven through the dipoles of biased influences. Equilibrium is in Becoming. All is in flux. There is nothing but change; the never-ending transformation of the soul and unfoldment of ineffable mysteries. Art is Andrew’s ultimate ground of allegory before the imageless idol of God and the silent word of Truth. Andrew is currently open to commissions, collaborations, and solicitations in general. Contact: [email protected]
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Andrew M. Cummins is an artist, musician, and solitary practitioner of the Arte Magical. To fulfill greater needs than the mundane bread winning existence, Andrew currently seeks to externalize his esoteric visions in several series of artistic works. Waves of monochromatic fascination, synchronistic assemblage, sigils, enciphered glossolalia, and automatic paintings emerge in his wake. Andrew uses symbolically charged materials to ensorcel sympathetic links into his paintings and sculptures. These works are often created during emotional highs and lows, states of trance and madness - the extremes of exploration and isolation. Phases of red and blue expand and contract upon the living canvas, even as the hues of the cosmos are painted daily - only to be seen in our eyes as the past. We connect to the ghostly light of the stars outside-yet-within. As form and void dance in the positive and negative spaces, while our Being is permeated by Un-Being, a non-dualistic strand of magic is woven through the dipoles of biased influences. Equilibrium is in Becoming. All is in flux. There is nothing but change; the never-ending transformation of the soul and unfoldment of ineffable mysteries. Art is Andrew’s ultimate ground of allegory before the imageless idol of God and the silent word of Truth. Andrew is currently open to commissions, collaborations, and solicitations in general. Contact: [email protected]