
Observing the frontiers of Philosophy, Psychology, Human Conditioning, Forbidden/Alternative Archeology & History, Natural Law, Occult, World Events, NWO & Secret Societys Agendas, Electric Universe, Chemtrails/Geoengineering, De-population, Transhumanism, Healthy lifestyle, Permaculture, Natural ways of healing, Bio energies, Meditation etc etc etc... People to look up: Mark Passio # Natural Law Alan Watt Alan Watts Albert Pike Aldous Huxley Aleister Crowley Ben Davidson Bill Hicks Bruce Lipton C.S. Lewis Carl Jung Carl Sagan David Icke David Wilcock David Talbot Deepak Chopra Drunvalo Melchizedek Eckhart Tolle Edgar Cayce Erich Von Daniken Freeman Friedrich Nietzsche George Carlin George Orwell Graham Hancock Helena Blavatsky Immanuel Velikovsky Isaac Asimov J.R.R. Tolkien Jiddu Krishnamurti John Anthony West John Dee Jordan Maxwell Karl Marx Luke Rudowsky Mahatma Ghandi Manly P. Hall Martin Luther King Michael Black Michael Cremo Michael Tsarion Nassim Haramein Nikola Tesla Plato Rick Strassman Robert Anton Wilson Robert Bauval Rupert Sheldrake Sigmund Freud Stanley Kubrick Terence McKenna Wallace Thornhill William Cooper Zecharia Sitchin On Human Condition: To Break free of the Human Condition, one must first be aware of the Human cycle: Bondage to Spiritual Faith Spiritual Faith to Courage Courage to Freedom Freedom to Abundance Abundance to Selfishness Selfishness to Complacency Complacency to Apathy Apathy to Fear Fear to Dependency Dependency to Bondage. Being aware of the cycle is half the battle. By Max Igan (thecrowhouse.com) Subscribe, Engage in Debate, Comment, Share Truth / Knowledge / Wisdom Freedom, Love... Walk with Truth & it will set You Free In La'kesh!
location_onA Pale Blue Dot - Earth
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Date: All
Observing the frontiers of Philosophy, Psychology, Human Conditioning, Forbidden/Alternative Archeology & History, Natural Law, Occult, World Events, NWO & Secret Societys Agendas, Electric Universe, Chemtrails/Geoengineering, De-population, Transhumanism, Healthy lifestyle, Permaculture, Natural ways of healing, Bio energies, Meditation etc etc etc... People to look up: Mark Passio # Natural Law Alan Watt Alan Watts Albert Pike Aldous Huxley Aleister Crowley Ben Davidson Bill Hicks Bruce Lipton C.S. Lewis Carl Jung Carl Sagan David Icke David Wilcock David Talbot Deepak Chopra Drunvalo Melchizedek Eckhart Tolle Edgar Cayce Erich Von Daniken Freeman Friedrich Nietzsche George Carlin George Orwell Graham Hancock Helena Blavatsky Immanuel Velikovsky Isaac Asimov J.R.R. Tolkien Jiddu Krishnamurti John Anthony West John Dee Jordan Maxwell Karl Marx Luke Rudowsky Mahatma Ghandi Manly P. Hall Martin Luther King Michael Black Michael Cremo Michael Tsarion Nassim Haramein Nikola Tesla Plato Rick Strassman Robert Anton Wilson Robert Bauval Rupert Sheldrake Sigmund Freud Stanley Kubrick Terence McKenna Wallace Thornhill William Cooper Zecharia Sitchin On Human Condition: To Break free of the Human Condition, one must first be aware of the Human cycle: Bondage to Spiritual Faith Spiritual Faith to Courage Courage to Freedom Freedom to Abundance Abundance to Selfishness Selfishness to Complacency Complacency to Apathy Apathy to Fear Fear to Dependency Dependency to Bondage. Being aware of the cycle is half the battle. By Max Igan (thecrowhouse.com) Subscribe, Engage in Debate, Comment, Share Truth / Knowledge / Wisdom Freedom, Love... Walk with Truth & it will set You Free In La'kesh!
location_onA Pale Blue Dot - Earth