
#INFOWARS Home of the # 1 Internet #News #Media #Show in the #World #Austin #Texas #AlexJones #Info #Wars MAX 2 (TWO) posts per channel, per day. Choose wisely. Please keep SPAM to a minimum ALL commercial content requires 1 Minds Token
ALL things crypto and virtual currency #altcoin #blockchain #encryption N.B. ALL commercial group content requires a single Token donation Group Admin @FacebookFluxx69 #FacebookFluxx69 Mod @TechnoMageB5 #TechnoMageB5
We Are Anonymous, We Are Legion, Exspect Us ! We Share Anonymous News, From ALL Around The World !
Got a story you think the world needs to know more about? Something the MSM has largely ignored? Politics, religion, pop culture, health, activism, lifestyle, the paranormal; pretty much ANYTHING goes 3 POST LIMIT PER DAY. SPAMMERS walk the plank (or WORSE) ALL Commercial items require 1 TOKEN Wire Donation #PIRATE #RADIO #PODCASTS @PirateRadioNetwork #YOUTUBE #SKYPE #livestream
Admin: @FretzCapo (IND) #UnfuckTheWorld #journalism #news #911Truth #NoMoreOilWars ``````````````````````````````````````````````````` Please tag with #UnfuckTheWorld ``````````````````````````````````````````````````` No more than 5 consecutive posts please, or you will be considered a spammer and removed from the group. Memes are accepted but no more concurrent posts than regular posts. Those are the only requirements for posting in this group except for the usual. Don't break the law and treat others with respect! Now get out there and Unfuck The World!
Tools and strategies for health and cognitive performance enhancement. Nootropics and Smart Drugs Biohacking tech Herbal medicine Diet optimization Fasting Exercise Mindfulness and meditation Anti-Aging, Transhumanism, and Philosophy Let us know what biohacks you're using... [This group and the postings are MODERATED so let's keep the conversation respectful and posts unrelated to the above will be removed promptly] If you're new to biohacking visit or you can follow Advertisers: Only ONE promotional post a week. If you're going to share links to try to drive traffic elsewhere you MUST participate in the conversation here and comment on other people's stuff - not doing so will result in a ban.
Fox News is an #American basic #cable and #satellite #television #news channel owned by the #Fox #Entertainment Group, a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox. The channel broadcasts primarily from studios at 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York City. Fox News is provided in 86 countries or overseas territories worldwide, with international broadcasts featuring Fox Extra segments during ad breaks MAX 2 (TWO) posts per user / per day. Choose your content wisely.
News, discussion, and activism related to protecting and expanding the right to keep and bear arms. Keep discussions civil, and on topic. If I cannot tell, at a glance, how your post relates to the right to keep and bear arms, there's a good chance it will be treated as spam. Spam posts will be deleted. Spammers will be removed from the group. Obvious spammers, and repeat spammers will be banned. Also, please invite your subscribers. Owner: @ButchCrassidy
Ronald Ernest Paul is an American #author, #physician and #retired #politician who served as the U.S. Representative for #Texas's 22nd congressional district from 1976 to 1977 and again from 1979 to 1985, and for Texas's 14th congressional district from 1997 to 2013. #RonPaul #Liberty #Freedom #Rights #Constitution #Founding #Fathers #Libertarian #Libertarianism #slavery #bondage #Justice @JaphyRyder
ALL things #Science and #Technology #Discussion #Infosharing #Research #Investigation Group Rules: Members are free to share a maximum of 3 "Science and technology" related posts per day Spammers will be dealt with accordingly
Bikes and Biker Babes. Share yours, enjoy our's. Photos of Club's, Club color's or Club member's is NOT to be considered an endorsement. Strictly independent. If your group has a run or event you want to share feel free. While your here,check out Wild Hod Radio. Kick back and enjoy classic rock. THE CHOPPER GALLERY Biker News Online Insane Throttle Biker News Network Biker
Oct 2018
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