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Week 1, Nov 2018: I'm not far-right or alt-right. I'm a moderate conservative to the Left of Hitler. Week 3, Nov 2018: EDIT: I've seen enough over the last month to nudge me further to the Right. I'm now to the Right of Hitler, and wondering why he didn't annihilate all the communists. They lied to us about history, about Hitler and the Nazis... but he should have done exactly what they said he did to the enemies of mankind. 26 Nov 2018: EDIT: Gas everyone! Let's build a Nazi utopia and start again. VOTE ROBERT STERKESON 2024
One of these days I'll pack up and go. So if I disappear, don't be alarmed. Social Media just doesn't have the pull for me real life does and the lack of personal privacy on the internet in general bothers me.
Le savoir pour Nous La connerie pour eux Ces droits dont vous avez plein la bouche, vous les refusez à ceux qui ne pensent pas comme vous. ___________________________________ Article 19 révision Nouvel Ordre Mondial : « Tout individu n'a plus le droit à la liberté d'opinion et d'expression, ce qui implique, pour lui, le droit d'être inquiété pour ses opinions et celui de la fermer, de recevoir et de subir, sans considération pour sa personne, les informations et les idées correctes par quelque moyen d'expression que ce soit. » _______ Articles 14 & 15 de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de 1789 : « Les citoyens ont le droit de constater, par eux-mêmes ou par leurs représentants, la nécessité de la contribution publique, de la consentir librement… » ; « La société a le droit de demander compte à tout agent public de son administration » _______ Article 35 du texte de 1793 : « Quand le gouvernement viole les droits du peuple, l’insurrection est, pour le peuple et pour chaque portion du peuple, le plus sacré des droits et le plus indispensable des devoirs ».
Hey, I'm white and orange (very unpopular right now), about 1'5 (ear to paw), and all Feline. I am available for photoshoots (nude only, no fashion) and modeling. I am also interested in adverts and video/film (DM me for hourly/daily rates... starting at four/six figures respectively). I will not work with dogs or politicians (both tend to leave me puffy...). I'm also involved in a serious relationship with the bunny across the street, so... no, I'm not into you and no, I won't do private parties.
Joined Sept 28, 2018 All my own words combined with saved images from the web. My output has been routinely censored, overlooked, ignored, blacklisted and shadow banned across multiple platforms and social media. But Minds feels like home. Disclaimer: If you would like the images removed please contact me. Thanks to all the many unknown artists. Truth is coming.
* I Never Break A Deal* Christian, Musician, Libertarian. 10 hours of produced music under the band name 'Driven Madness. I write Code & have designed a Blockchain Platform. 🇺🇸🦅☀🕊 Super Straight & Single as all living Hell. ; ) Washington State
Goal - to free the Truth, educate the ignorant, empower the people. If you look at my icon, you will understand the JFK words and why I search for the Truth.  Independence. 1. The state or quality of being independent. 2. march to the beat of a different drummer. To follow the dictates of one’s own conscience instead of prevailing convention; to act in accord with one’s own feelings instead of following the crowd; also, to be odd or eccentric. 3. independence - the successful ending of the American Revolution. 4. freedom, liberty, autonomy, separation, sovereignty, self-determination, self-government, self-rule, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, home rule, autarchy.  5. The condition of being politically free
Jun 2021
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