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Endangered #31 Mountain Tapir (Endangered species) 2021

The_Nature_PlugMay 27, 2021, 8:52:01 AM

The Mountain Tapir is also known as the Andean Tapir or Woolly Tapir is a species of tapir native to South America and is listed as endangered.

Reasons for endangered status - Hunting, poaching, killed by farmers, deforestation.

Conservation efforts - They live in national parks and zoos.


Mountain Tapir Facts - 

Science Name: Tapirus pinchaque

Height: 0.75 - 1 m 

Length: 1.8 m

Weight: 136 - 250 kg

Native Locations: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela

Lifespan: 25 - 30 years

Population: est 2,500 (mature individual in the wild)

Conservation status: Endangered (EN)


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The Nature Plug