Steve Dane

I started Shielded Systems to use my skills to support companies and people who didn't have the necessary technical knowledge required in today's world. I was a victim of an awful full out hack when I was ten years old. All of my private information posted online, my internet taken down for over a week, and all my electronics wiped. After that I wanted revenge, so I learned how to hack computers, and I was good at it. Once I gained a healthy moral compass around 16, I started to shift my skills towards security and helping people. That’s around the time I started Shielded Systems because I already had a few companies that wanted my help. I worked a full time I.T. job for 3 years mostly dealing with the medical field and quickly realized the goal was to drain as much money as possible. This was done by not configuring things right, working slow for more billable hours, and overall bad practices. I strive to be better than that because I would not want the same done to me for something I’m not experienced in. I enjoy the responsibility and challenge in this field and I plan to build a big company around it. Thank you for taking an interest in my story and I hope to work with you in the near future.
Views33 Know the news without reading it. Turn the all-seeing-eye back on it's would-be masters. Protect your mind from mainstream media propaganda using our free tool. Too often have we heard people say "I try to read as many news sources as possible so that I can get a balanced view". The problem is that, as Jaques Ellul said in his book "Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes": "The aim of modern propaganda is no longer to modify ideas, but to provoke action. It is no longer to change adherence to a doctrine, but to make the individual cling irrationally to a process of action. It is no longer to transform an opinion but to arouse an active and mythical belief." He first published this in 1965 and so many decades have passed since then. In his revolutionary book, he describes the viral aspects of propaganda and explores the fact that propagandized information is indeed a virus. Your body has an immune system to fight off viruses, you can wear protective equipment to reduce the chances of being infected with a physical virus like COVID19, but you don't come equipped to fight off an information virus. There is simply too much information and too many agendas for making you, the reader, take some irrational action to your own detriment and line the pockets of invisible men.
lover of nature and God🇺🇸🇺🇸
Oct 2020
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