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How Hard Wax Works to remove Unwanted hair

sherrythomas005Jan 18, 2019, 9:33:00 AM

Gone are the days when people used to shave or trim their body hairs. In recent times, a majority of the folks prefer getting their body waxed to not only pull off the hairs from its follicles leaving you a glowing skin but it has proven to be a permanent hair removal solution (if done regularly). However, when it comes to the pain that tends to occur when the waxing strip is pulled out, it becomes quite challenging for a woman to have their body waxed, isn’t it? But fret not! Hard wax can turn out to be a better solution to this problem.

Be it pain which turns unbearable while having waxing session or simply a ton of strips that are wasted during the process, hard wax is undeniably a better alternative to the regular soft wax. Though this specific waxing might not fade your pain completely, it alleviates it to a great extent. Commonly termed as stripless wax, it is one of the sought-after waxing procedures for a Brazilian wax, facial wax, and even the whole body wax. Here’s how it works:

Application of the Hard wax

As the name suggests, stripless wax is something which doesn’t need pellon strip or muslin to rip your skin hairs off. Since there is no strip involved, the content applied over your skin is generally thicker comparing to the soft wax. What’s more? Prior to the application, hard wax is heated up in either the wax warmer or your esthetician would put it in a microwave to heat it to melt. As soon as the wax get heated (check the temperature of the content by applying it on your palm first to avoid unwanted skin burns), you can apply it on your skin. Unlike soft wax which could be applied at room temperature, hard wax needs to be warmed properly as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Make sure to apply a thick paste of the wax as you won’t be able to pull thin layer out of your skin. The wax is ripped off in the direction opposite to your hair growth (the same method is applicable to soft wax as well). In order to have hard wax, your hair length should neither exceed ¼ - ½ inches nor should it be lesser than the given figures.

What’s more? A pre-epilating oil following powder is applied on your skin which needs to be waxed before the ultimate application of hard wax.

Where hard wax can be used?

As discussed above, a hard waxing kit can turn out to be the best possible alternative to soft wax for the woman having a bikini wax. Wondering why? As it is particularly known for its brilliant capability to shrinkwrap your hairs, it helps you to get rid of the short length hairs. Hard wax is also preferred for facial waxing as your face is way too sensitive to apply soft wax. Moreover, it pulls all sorts of noticeable hairs off your skin and leaves you with a refreshing and glowing skin.

This specific type of waxing is especially advisable to the women who have not yet experienced the waxing pain. If waxing looks daunting to you or you are simply not willing to undergo this painful procedure, you must ask your esthetician to apply hard wax. This would not only reduce pain but it saves a lot of time of applying soft wax and then placing multiple strips on your skin.

So what are you waiting for? Are you having Brazilian wax for the very first time? You no more need to bear terrible pain. Get a hard waxing kit and enjoy an easy waxing procedure.