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$100=Greatest Education In The World

Professor DregAug 8, 2020, 8:39:26 PM

"Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete”― Rod Serling 

It is amazing how Rod Serling knew that Progressive ideology is obsolete. Through media, Progressives have systematically dumb downed entire "blue" cities that virtue signal via buying gluten free cereal and hybrid cars. 

It amazes me how Progressives scream "Defund the police", while they (Progressives) are the ones that created a criminal justice system that is a trillion dollar tax payer funded industry (which is a total waste of money since it protects and serves no one until after you have been victimized). 

We need to start screaming "Defund all ghetto ass schools". Sounds heartless but it is the source of about 80% of all criminals in prisons throughout the country and 95% in BLUE states. (The FBI and DOJ back my statements...look it up and do the math...this is free content...soooooo...don't be lazy). 

Why would anyone pay so much money to breed criminals? Besides Progressives being evil racists, that don't believe in human rights or dignity, they do it to gain total control of a society. Well, they have done it. They control every major population in the country...except San Diego (Top 20 biggest cities are all Progressive except San Diego. I guess all the CA Republicans retreated to San Diego.) 

So what is the solution? It is an easy fix. Stop giving (annual) money (increases) to all TITLE 1A or TITLE 1 or whatever they call a GHETTO SCHOOL in your neck of the woods. That means: stop increasing their budgets every year.They get whatever their last UNION BARGAINED CONTRACT was when they last negotiated. If teachers quit, fuck them. Let them walk. Those who walk were probably perverts anyways.


The 2nd part of the solution is to make a law that allows TECH and STEM companies to tutor children in Title 1A schools for free. The tutoring must be done by one (STEM) employee for an entire 8 hour day. It will be done once a week. That (STEM) tutor will tutor 6 children a day. Each child will receive one hour of tutoring in math only.

This law will include tutoring for all grade levels starting from kindergarten to 12th grade. The moment this law passes and gets implemented, all the kids in kindergarten will be on track to finish their 12th grade of school with two years of calculus under their belt. 


Why would these tech companies or stem based companies volunteer to tutor these children of the ghetto? Money, they will do it for money. 


Companies like Google, Facebook and Apple pay their employees a full 40 hours a week to get their work done. The truth is that 99.9% of their employees get it done in under 20 hours a week. So the EMPLOYER is paying the EMPLOYEE  20 extra hours to do nothing but socialize. 


So the easy remedy is to:

          A. Give a 20% payroll tax deduction to all STEM and TECH companies

              that participate in the tutoring program.

               1a. Applies to any company who employs people good in math

               2a. Employees must have an actual degree in the hard sciences or 

                      math related degrees.

          B. Tell EMPLOYERS to tell their EMPLOYEES that this is a mandated 

               program to help the poor, decrease crime and be a better neighbor, 

               as a condition of their employment.

It will work. Companies like Google and Apple spend billions on payroll taxes annually. What is 20% of a billion? 200 million (If my math is wrong, I didn't have a tutor growing up). It makes good business sense to cut 20% off your operational costs.

Imagine, how easy the teacher's job becomes when all the students are receiving one on one tutoring. Imaging how easy their job becomes when all of their kids are "smart". 

In 12 years time, our entire society can change to an extreme, where everyone will be living in a "Mayberry". Crimes will be reduced to drunk in public and fist fighting. Andy Griffith would even apply to be the sheriff at your local ghetto. Why? Because everyone will be educated. Everyone will have options. No more looking to other countries for engineering jobs (as all tech companies do)....In other words, say good bye to the ghettos.

“There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man ... a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination.”― Rod Serling


Before I forget, it is titled $100= the greatest education  in the world because the school district would need to pay $100 (a year per child) for school supplies to tutor the kids. Kids only need blank paper, crayons, pens and pencils. They don't need laptops, or calculators or fancy shit. Math is cheap.