『Pizza Parker』

Envy is such a thing. A man envies his neighbor, whose wife is very beautiful...A lord envies a king, who commands nobles...A king envies a god, to whom all men must bow...And a god envies...a god envies what a god cannot have.
I am a proud American, a former Soviet Jew, a patriot, and an IT professional. “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” — Winston Churchill
Magnum Shark, PI (Penis Inspector) Top Dog, Bottom Boi Proud WERF 🏳️‍🌈 I write stories about my waifus being mentally and sometimes physically tortured, and somehow it's not smut. I also draw pictures of them once or twice every tri-annual blood sacrifice. The occasional husbando makes it in here and there. Books: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AJustin+Colt+Canterbury&s=relevancerank&text=Justin+Colt+Canterbury&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1 Merch: https://sonic-view-productions.creator-spring.com/ (Yes, I'm actually a PI.)
Anime, games, & memes mostly
|💡 Veteran| Ramblings and opinions of a man who wants to break the silence. Awarded "Most Outspoken" by the Kitress of Scuff. [NOTE: May involve lewd pictures of big bozonga'd furry women. I am not sorry.]
I just wanted to play video games, and then, for no reason at all, I became a political dissident ----------------------------------------------------------- μολὼν λαβέ Service guarantees citizenship Memento mori -----------------------------------------------------------
semi professional shitposter, mommy milkers enthusiastic, full time retard , CLUSSY commissaire , possible eldritch abomination
Weeb warrior and protector of artistic freedom in fictional works from government censorship.
Katholik 御用とあらば即参上! あなたの頼れる巫女狐、キャスター降臨っ! です! Texas Republican and Type-Moon fan.
Anarchist Philosopher, Crypto Enthusiat, Ancient History Buff, Cinema Coinsurer, Former Football Coach and All Around Magical MuhFkr.
Hated that old shithole. I just want to be able to follow things I enjoy. Hoping in vain the fumoposters followed us here. Official Unofficial Ambassador for Tomboy Thursday. Any art or fumos I post aint mine.
I created a youtube channel & now it's on Minds :D On my channel, I use cheat discs, cartridges and SD Cards to cheat on retro consoles :D
A Flower For No One · · · ⊶ · · · [OG content unless stated otherwise]
Jan 2021
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