A brass 2,200-year-old unearthed from First Emperor's tomb along with Terracotta Army.

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A Chinese couple taking a wedding photo on a wall in Beijing Forbidden City. Just wonder how they are able to stand on the wall... 😶

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2,200-Year-Old Chinese Troughs In 1989, Chinese archaeologists unearthed 7 iron troughs on the 2,200-year-old timber bridge site, each measuring 6.5m long, 1m wide and 1m high, and weighing 3 tons. On both ends of the troughs, iron rivets are clearly visible, which must be used to form a channel trough. What the ancient Chinese were doing with the channel trough? To transport hot liquid iron to produce metal horses, as legend has it? https://www.viewofchina.com/2200-year-old-chinese-toughs/

A Chinese couple taking a wedding photo on a wall in Beijing Forbidden City. Just wonder how they are able to stand on the wall... 😶

A Chinese couple in traditional Chinese wedding costume of Ming-style takes a wedding photo in the Forbidden City built during the early Ming Dynasty 600 years ago.