Crested Tern (Thalasseus bergii). #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto

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A small gathering of Little Black Cormorant (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris). #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto

Brush Turkey (Alectura lathami). The individual pictured is a breeding male. This species lays its eggs in a mound of vegetative matter - essentially a compost heap - and adds or removes material to regulate the temperature of the decaying heap, thus providing a consistent incubation environment for the eggs. When the young dig their way out after hatching, the parents are nowhere in sight. The young chicks can instinctively fly immediately, often moving directly to safety on a low branch, a practical survival tactic considering they must fend for themselves from the moment of birth. #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto

Down the hatch. Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus). #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto

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A small gathering of Little Black Cormorant (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris). #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto

Brush Turkey (Alectura lathami). The individual pictured is a breeding male. This species lays its eggs in a mound of vegetative matter - essentially a compost heap - and adds or removes material to regulate the temperature of the decaying heap, thus providing a consistent incubation environment for the eggs. When the young dig their way out after hatching, the parents are nowhere in sight. The young chicks can instinctively fly immediately, often moving directly to safety on a low branch, a practical survival tactic considering they must fend for themselves from the moment of birth. #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto

Down the hatch. Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus). #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto