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Shot from my phone last autumn 2018. #myphoto

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https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1084402/EU-news-Germany-Angela-Merkel-European-Commission-law-rule-Court-of-Justice In case you need reminders as to whether we should miss Germany and the Bureaucrats of Brussels, know that only one of them actually is wearing pants in the relationship: It was never Brussels that had to keep a extended belt for wearing EU states like accessories, if anything it was simply the belt buckle in the whole arrangement. #Germany #EU #Brussels #Sovereignty #news

Lauren Southern joins Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio for a last interview before stepping back from her public career to discuss her powerful documentary "Borderless," and why she is stepping away from fame. https://www.bitchute.com/video/YZx5SDOWIxQ/ #news #politics #migrantcrisis #Borderless

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https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1084402/EU-news-Germany-Angela-Merkel-European-Commission-law-rule-Court-of-Justice In case you need reminders as to whether we should miss Germany and the Bureaucrats of Brussels, know that only one of them actually is wearing pants in the relationship: It was never Brussels that had to keep a extended belt for wearing EU states like accessories, if anything it was simply the belt buckle in the whole arrangement. #Germany #EU #Brussels #Sovereignty #news

Lauren Southern joins Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio for a last interview before stepping back from her public career to discuss her powerful documentary "Borderless," and why she is stepping away from fame. https://www.bitchute.com/video/YZx5SDOWIxQ/ #news #politics #migrantcrisis #Borderless