FREE Course: Spiritual Emergency: What is it? Define Spiritual Emergency and learn the difference between it and mental illness. Wondering if you are in a spiritual emergency? Wondering how to introduce and define Spiritual Emergency and Spiritual Emergence for others?–Draw...See more

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Get Busy Living! My life changed forever when cancer took over my body. The purpose of this blog is to tell the story of how, so far, I've managed to kick a deadly cancer's butt." Joe Tippens rocks!

Wellness NEVER has to include any use of pharmaceuticals drugs. Everything Matters - Beyond Meds - many natural methods of self-care for finding and sustaining health in body, mind and spirit.

     This private banker guy ( is for people who still haven't figured out the nature of "money", "securities", "mortgages" and "banking" yet.  (hint:  it is ALL about suretyship and trusts). money = debt.  money can't "pay" anything.  a "security" is only backed by a...See more

More from hosfell

Get Busy Living! My life changed forever when cancer took over my body. The purpose of this blog is to tell the story of how, so far, I've managed to kick a deadly cancer's butt." Joe Tippens rocks!

Wellness NEVER has to include any use of pharmaceuticals drugs. Everything Matters - Beyond Meds - many natural methods of self-care for finding and sustaining health in body, mind and spirit.

     This private banker guy ( is for people who still haven't figured out the nature of "money", "securities", "mortgages" and "banking" yet.  (hint:  it is ALL about suretyship and trusts). money = debt.  money can't "pay" anything.  a "security" is only backed by a...See more