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My op-ed for Human Events. To whom am I a danger? Mark Zuckerberg? A billionaire who wants to create a cult out of 2.4 billion people? A creepy oligarch who wants to dictate the thoughts that can be expressed by a third of the earth’s entire population? Who’s the bigger danger? https://humanevents.com/2019/05/08/facebook-calls-me-dangerous-imagine-my-shock-no-really/

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A bus driver in Paris described as an “Islamist” refused to pick up the daughter of a famous Algerian poet because her skirt was too short. https://summit.news/2019/05/08/paris-islamist-bus-driver-refuses-to-pick-up-woman-because-of-short-skirt/

18-year-old Devon Erickson, who killed one student and injured seven more during a shooting at a public charter school in Colorado, previously posted on social media about his hatred for Christians and President Trump. https://summit.news/2019/05/08/stem-school-shooter-hated-christians-trump/

"Telegram stated that it would not honor "politically-motivated censorship" based on "local restrictions on freedom of speech" and that it allowed "peaceful expression of alternative opinions." 200 million user base. Cool. https://t.me/pjwnews

More from PaulJosephWatson

A bus driver in Paris described as an “Islamist” refused to pick up the daughter of a famous Algerian poet because her skirt was too short. https://summit.news/2019/05/08/paris-islamist-bus-driver-refuses-to-pick-up-woman-because-of-short-skirt/

18-year-old Devon Erickson, who killed one student and injured seven more during a shooting at a public charter school in Colorado, previously posted on social media about his hatred for Christians and President Trump. https://summit.news/2019/05/08/stem-school-shooter-hated-christians-trump/

"Telegram stated that it would not honor "politically-motivated censorship" based on "local restrictions on freedom of speech" and that it allowed "peaceful expression of alternative opinions." 200 million user base. Cool. https://t.me/pjwnews