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The Future of Flight (according to 1928)

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A picturesque village in Austria

The term scapegoat comes from an old Jewish ritual where they would put all the sins of the townspeople onto a goat and then banish that goat from town sending the burden of their sins with it. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/leviticus-161-34-the-scapegoat-ritual/

"Of the 4 percent of the 250 000 to 300 000 known edible plant species, only 150 to 200 are used by humans. Only three - rice, maize and wheat - contribute nearly 60 percent of calories and proteins obtained by humans from plants." http://www.fao.org/3/y5609e/y5609e02.htm

More from VonYugen

A picturesque village in Austria

The term scapegoat comes from an old Jewish ritual where they would put all the sins of the townspeople onto a goat and then banish that goat from town sending the burden of their sins with it. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/leviticus-161-34-the-scapegoat-ritual/

"Of the 4 percent of the 250 000 to 300 000 known edible plant species, only 150 to 200 are used by humans. Only three - rice, maize and wheat - contribute nearly 60 percent of calories and proteins obtained by humans from plants." http://www.fao.org/3/y5609e/y5609e02.htm