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YouTuber PewDiePie chided the mainstream media by pointing out that his own news show – PewNews – completely crushes the competition, commenting, “This is why they’re so God damn salty.” https://www.infowars.com/pewdiepie-chides-mainstream-media-this-is-why-theyre-so-salty/

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The New York Times is running defense for the Black Israelites, the anti-Semitic hate group that abused the Covington High School students. https://www.infowars.com/ny-times-runs-defense-for-black-anti-semitic-hate-group/

A man in the United Kingdom was subjected to a hate crime investigation after he criticized transgenderism. Was told that his "thinking" needed to be checked by authorities. Thought police! https://www.infowars.com/uk-hate-crime-police-investigate-mans-thinking-after-he-criticized-transgenderism/

Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron were booed during the signing of a treaty that takes another giant leap towards establishing a European army. https://www.infowars.com/macron-merkel-booed-before-signing-european-army-treaty/

More from PaulJosephWatson

The New York Times is running defense for the Black Israelites, the anti-Semitic hate group that abused the Covington High School students. https://www.infowars.com/ny-times-runs-defense-for-black-anti-semitic-hate-group/

A man in the United Kingdom was subjected to a hate crime investigation after he criticized transgenderism. Was told that his "thinking" needed to be checked by authorities. Thought police! https://www.infowars.com/uk-hate-crime-police-investigate-mans-thinking-after-he-criticized-transgenderism/

Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron were booed during the signing of a treaty that takes another giant leap towards establishing a European army. https://www.infowars.com/macron-merkel-booed-before-signing-european-army-treaty/