"And now in the end I'm my only friend and it's almost just like being alone." That's a line from a Yesterday Rules out-take we're gonna possibly try to resurrect for any future re-issue and it's not bad.

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So, a burst pipe yesterday flooded my apartment. It was a serious ordeal but fortunately the building is crooked (like the lair of a Batman villain) meaning it was easier to shore up the two rooms on the higher side (also known as the North Wing.) I was able to save all the guitars, all the tapes, all the records and almost all of the books. I snatched my wicker basket of ADAT tapes out of the ebbing tide at the very last second. But now I'm just waiting for the next one to burst. Gotta get some pallets or something.

More from Dr Frank

So, a burst pipe yesterday flooded my apartment. It was a serious ordeal but fortunately the building is crooked (like the lair of a Batman villain) meaning it was easier to shore up the two rooms on the higher side (also known as the North Wing.) I was able to save all the guitars, all the tapes, all the records and almost all of the books. I snatched my wicker basket of ADAT tapes out of the ebbing tide at the very last second. But now I'm just waiting for the next one to burst. Gotta get some pallets or something.