More from MTKonig

Leonardo Da Vinci study of the Flower of Life. isn't it time we see the mer - ka - ba (Elohim's chariot) here? wheels within wheels... those with eyes to see should be floating on air.

what if the "lost principle" of "care" was seen as a duty of love for one's neighbor as one's self? what kind of world might that inspire? could this sacred-spiritual duty (agape) be the substance for a crypto-currency of a set-apart (sacred) nation of way-showers? this is but one of the open projects of hosfell's (i.e. hospitality fellowship) apprenticeship as the way-showers transition here to minds. #sacred #spirituality #transformation #equity #agape

More from MTKonig

Leonardo Da Vinci study of the Flower of Life. isn't it time we see the mer - ka - ba (Elohim's chariot) here? wheels within wheels... those with eyes to see should be floating on air.

what if the "lost principle" of "care" was seen as a duty of love for one's neighbor as one's self? what kind of world might that inspire? could this sacred-spiritual duty (agape) be the substance for a crypto-currency of a set-apart (sacred) nation of way-showers? this is but one of the open projects of hosfell's (i.e. hospitality fellowship) apprenticeship as the way-showers transition here to minds. #sacred #spirituality #transformation #equity #agape