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Google CEO Sundar Pichai lied to Congress during testimony today when he claimed that users could opt out of Google’s location tracking services, a claim that the Associated Press previously found to be false. https://www.infowars.com/sundar-pichai-lies-to-congress-about-google-tracking-location-of-users/

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A councillor in Victoria, Canada has succeeded in securing a review of the city’s Christmas decorations after he expressed concerns that things like Christmas trees were not secular enough and needed to be more ‘diverse’ because they may offend Muslims. https://www.infowars.com/canadian-councillor-wants-to-make-christmas-less-christian-to-avoid-offending-muslims/

During a speech to the nation this evening, French President Emmanuel Macron acknowledged that yellow vest demonstrators were angry about mass immigration and that the issue needs to be debated at the national level. https://www.infowars.com/macron-concedes-anger-over-mass-immigration-must-be-acknowledged/

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A councillor in Victoria, Canada has succeeded in securing a review of the city’s Christmas decorations after he expressed concerns that things like Christmas trees were not secular enough and needed to be more ‘diverse’ because they may offend Muslims. https://www.infowars.com/canadian-councillor-wants-to-make-christmas-less-christian-to-avoid-offending-muslims/

During a speech to the nation this evening, French President Emmanuel Macron acknowledged that yellow vest demonstrators were angry about mass immigration and that the issue needs to be debated at the national level. https://www.infowars.com/macron-concedes-anger-over-mass-immigration-must-be-acknowledged/