What exactly are the people who run Minds protecting us from by Explicitly labeling and blanking out all of Natalie2000 posts? I can see doing it with sexually explicit material . . . a few times i have been in a restaurant scrolling through Minds and all of a sudden naked...See more

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The incompetent feckless Roberts -- appointed by the incompetent feckless George Bush The Subhuman Worm who made Obama Care the law of the land . . . Was Roberts directed by the Bushes to say what he said???? EVERYONE knows there are activist Judges appointed by Democrats . . . https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/nov/21/trump-blasts-justice-roberts-judicial-scolding/?utm_source=onesignal&utm_campaign=pushnotify&utm_medium=push

Something very strange . . . ALL the pundits -- even some of the great ones like Victor Davis Hansen -- talk as if the WHOLE reason the Left has gone berserk is because of Donald Trump . . . That is completely wrong and off target . . . The Democrats have gone insane because THEY LOST THE ELECTION!!!! . . . Look at this picture -- If it had been President Cruz that night do you really think the Democrats would have reacted and behaved differently? THE LEFT HAS GONE INSANE AND BECOME OUTRAGED BECAUSE THEY LOST THE ELECTION!

He never said one word criticizing the Obamination . . . And Roberts is wrong . . . EVERYONE Knows that there are activist Democrat judges . . . Roberts of course was another incompetent appointment by George Bush . . . Roberts -- the scum who kept Obama Care alive with a decision that legal scholars said made absolutely no sense . . . https://apnews.com/c4b34f9639e141069c08cf1e3deb6b84

More from Western Civilization & Current Events

The incompetent feckless Roberts -- appointed by the incompetent feckless George Bush The Subhuman Worm who made Obama Care the law of the land . . . Was Roberts directed by the Bushes to say what he said???? EVERYONE knows there are activist Judges appointed by Democrats . . . https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/nov/21/trump-blasts-justice-roberts-judicial-scolding/?utm_source=onesignal&utm_campaign=pushnotify&utm_medium=push

Something very strange . . . ALL the pundits -- even some of the great ones like Victor Davis Hansen -- talk as if the WHOLE reason the Left has gone berserk is because of Donald Trump . . . That is completely wrong and off target . . . The Democrats have gone insane because THEY LOST THE ELECTION!!!! . . . Look at this picture -- If it had been President Cruz that night do you really think the Democrats would have reacted and behaved differently? THE LEFT HAS GONE INSANE AND BECOME OUTRAGED BECAUSE THEY LOST THE ELECTION!

He never said one word criticizing the Obamination . . . And Roberts is wrong . . . EVERYONE Knows that there are activist Democrat judges . . . Roberts of course was another incompetent appointment by George Bush . . . Roberts -- the scum who kept Obama Care alive with a decision that legal scholars said made absolutely no sense . . . https://apnews.com/c4b34f9639e141069c08cf1e3deb6b84