More from Dr Frank

My schedule calls for a Medium post on Tuesdays, but things have arranged themselves such that it's just not gonna happen today. That's okay, though. Like TV, I can do re-runs. Here's the story of my first Clash show, kind of like the Bradys' Hawaii special. #clash #punk #memoir #minds


Good morning world: The full-band, fully vocally-arranged album version of this song is a favorite track from one of my favorite records, but I find this acoustic demo version, found on youtube (apparently a bonus track on the CD repackage) very affecting. Just beautiful. #music #songs #minds

Just an update/heads-up on those recently found boxes of old MTX Lookout stock... I'd been planning to do a two-day sale as I've done in the past after Halloween and that's still the plan, but my printer (needed for the shipping labels) is on the blink at the moment. Once that's sorted out, the sale will proceed, probably next week. Stay tuned. #vinyl #Lookout #mtxforever #collectibles #minds

More from Dr Frank

My schedule calls for a Medium post on Tuesdays, but things have arranged themselves such that it's just not gonna happen today. That's okay, though. Like TV, I can do re-runs. Here's the story of my first Clash show, kind of like the Bradys' Hawaii special. #clash #punk #memoir #minds


Good morning world: The full-band, fully vocally-arranged album version of this song is a favorite track from one of my favorite records, but I find this acoustic demo version, found on youtube (apparently a bonus track on the CD repackage) very affecting. Just beautiful. #music #songs #minds

Just an update/heads-up on those recently found boxes of old MTX Lookout stock... I'd been planning to do a two-day sale as I've done in the past after Halloween and that's still the plan, but my printer (needed for the shipping labels) is on the blink at the moment. Once that's sorted out, the sale will proceed, probably next week. Stay tuned. #vinyl #Lookout #mtxforever #collectibles #minds