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sleep tight, #minds


This is my favorite music video of all time, by a mile. Every now and again I think about it and get worried that the guy who put it up in 2007 will have deleted his account or taken it down. Like, I'll do a search on YouTube and it just won't be there and I'll never see it again. This happens every 18 months or so, and it happened just now. No need to panic though. It's still there. #music #video #realityisephemeral #boston #minds

More from Dr Frank

sleep tight, #minds


This is my favorite music video of all time, by a mile. Every now and again I think about it and get worried that the guy who put it up in 2007 will have deleted his account or taken it down. Like, I'll do a search on YouTube and it just won't be there and I'll never see it again. This happens every 18 months or so, and it happened just now. No need to panic though. It's still there. #music #video #realityisephemeral #boston #minds