At first, she will tell you that she is satisfied with your poverty and misery. She is completely satisfied with your troubles, your strange personality and your face, which looks like nothing. None of us feels any feeling when we look at him. She will convince you that she is obsessed with your details and your infinite depth. The side of mystery is what draws it to you, is what provokes it to know you more, you want to discover and discover what is inside you; what is behind these shabby features, any man inhabits this vandalism ?? It is curiosity of another kind that may make a person sacrifice half his life to satisfy his curiosity and hunger himself .. Finally, you will be able in one way or another with her fashionable hand, of course she will believe it. Who rejects a beautiful woman who is educated, who is good at manipulating the feelings and questioning the dumb person who is inside you! As she speaks softly and forces you to stare at your shadow and your soul without feeling it, you are now almost numb. Falling in love is like taking a psychedelic dose. You may do all the foolish things you never imagined you would commit. You will find yourself turning involuntarily into someone you have long hated To be .. In the end it's a pity you'll be bored, you do not need it now! You did not love her anymore, because she did not love you mainly; she loved the dark side of you, and when her curiosity was burned inside you knew that you were busy with emptiness, so only you would feel foolish, your statue of stupidity would be embodied and sitting beside you. #travel #moroccan #beautiful #sahara #minds #communication

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