My reaction to One Piece episode 851, this is where the Luffy Vs Katakuri fight actually gets going. Luffy pretty much gets his ass handed to him for all the fight scenes in this episode and I can honestly say I can't wait to see more. Let me know what you thought of this episode in the comments below. #reaction #anime #onepiece #video #luffyvskatakuri

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Here is the first official facecam from my game room. This is a throwback video that was made over a year ago just after I built my game room, the new one piece reaction is coming in a day or so. My posting on the channel will be a bit sporadic for the next two weeks until the...See more


Sarkan plays MHW ep11 leave a like, comment, sub and visit my bitchute #letsplay, #gaming

My reaction to One Piece episode 850, we get a little bit more back story on Carrot in this episode. They also finally setup the main fight of the arc between Luffy and Katakuri which will start next episode. Let me know what you thought of this episode in the comments below. #anime #reaction #onepiece

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Here is the first official facecam from my game room. This is a throwback video that was made over a year ago just after I built my game room, the new one piece reaction is coming in a day or so. My posting on the channel will be a bit sporadic for the next two weeks until the...See more


Sarkan plays MHW ep11 leave a like, comment, sub and visit my bitchute #letsplay, #gaming

My reaction to One Piece episode 850, we get a little bit more back story on Carrot in this episode. They also finally setup the main fight of the arc between Luffy and Katakuri which will start next episode. Let me know what you thought of this episode in the comments below. #anime #reaction #onepiece