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For all the folks that have rely on the 'View More' options under Images and Videos in your Bios as a media library, and noticed the links no longer function, there is a work-around to use until the devs fix it. Click on Images/Videos in the top bar, then select My Videos/Images . ...................................................................................................................................................... #Mug #MindsUserGroup #WorkArounds

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➝ The Ultimate Online Privacy Guide It is just not just the NSA. Governments the world over are racing to introduce legislation that allows to them to monitor and store every email, phone call and Instant Message, every web page visited, and every VoIP conversation made by every...See more

BUG or ISSUE? The view more link just below the two media boxes on the left (images & videos) does not work on certain pages (on this one it works) When I pass the mouse cursor over, it changes to a hand but the link is dead; when I click on it, the page doesn't even refresh itself Two example pages where this is happening: NOTE I am using Brave on Linux Mint 18.3

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  • verified_user

➝ The Ultimate Online Privacy Guide It is just not just the NSA. Governments the world over are racing to introduce legislation that allows to them to monitor and store every email, phone call and Instant Message, every web page visited, and every VoIP conversation made by every...See more

BUG or ISSUE? The view more link just below the two media boxes on the left (images & videos) does not work on certain pages (on this one it works) When I pass the mouse cursor over, it changes to a hand but the link is dead; when I click on it, the page doesn't even refresh itself Two example pages where this is happening: NOTE I am using Brave on Linux Mint 18.3