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NEW VIDEO. Meryl Streep is such a powerful feminist. Such a champion of women's rights! Unless you're one of the women who was raped by her friend Roman Polanski. Then she'll ignore you & defend him to the hilt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO88pWIkuuM

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Groups & people furious at Trump's plan to move US Embassy to Jerusalem. - Turkey's Islamist President Erdogan - Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Azi - ISIS - Hamas - Virtually the entire political left - The mainstream media - Muslims in general (#NotAllMuslims) https://www.infowars.com/us-military-on-high-alert-ahead-of-trumps-announcement-to-move-us-embassy-to-jerusalem/

Calls are growing for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation to be shut down in light of revelations that an anti-Trump FBI agent who helped protect Hillary Clinton had a leading role. https://www.infowars.com/calls-grow-for-russian-collusion-investigation-to-be-shut-down/

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Groups & people furious at Trump's plan to move US Embassy to Jerusalem. - Turkey's Islamist President Erdogan - Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Azi - ISIS - Hamas - Virtually the entire political left - The mainstream media - Muslims in general (#NotAllMuslims) https://www.infowars.com/us-military-on-high-alert-ahead-of-trumps-announcement-to-move-us-embassy-to-jerusalem/

Calls are growing for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation to be shut down in light of revelations that an anti-Trump FBI agent who helped protect Hillary Clinton had a leading role. https://www.infowars.com/calls-grow-for-russian-collusion-investigation-to-be-shut-down/