More from JRoseland

This is an NMDA #Biohack, an NMDA antagonist specifically with a novel mechanism that can be profoundly helpful for those with broken brains or those who need to reset their tolerance to other performance enhancers. 🎧 Listen to #podcast 📑 Read Memantine meta-analysis - All Science References & Sources 💲 Order MEMANTINE CANON (Namenda) (RUPharma) #LimitlessMindset #BrainHacking

Adrafinil is kinda like Modafinil minus the sweats but really not worth trying. I’ve had this package of Adrafinil for nearly 2 years and I’ve stopped using it because it just doesn’t have the effect desired consistently (or at all). It’s probably nearing its expiration date so it’s about time for it to go into the trash! Never mind Adrafinil just use Modafinil, Rhodiola or Tyrosine if you're in need of an effective wakefulness agent. Read

More from JRoseland

This is an NMDA #Biohack, an NMDA antagonist specifically with a novel mechanism that can be profoundly helpful for those with broken brains or those who need to reset their tolerance to other performance enhancers. 🎧 Listen to #podcast 📑 Read Memantine meta-analysis - All Science References & Sources 💲 Order MEMANTINE CANON (Namenda) (RUPharma) #LimitlessMindset #BrainHacking

Adrafinil is kinda like Modafinil minus the sweats but really not worth trying. I’ve had this package of Adrafinil for nearly 2 years and I’ve stopped using it because it just doesn’t have the effect desired consistently (or at all). It’s probably nearing its expiration date so it’s about time for it to go into the trash! Never mind Adrafinil just use Modafinil, Rhodiola or Tyrosine if you're in need of an effective wakefulness agent. Read