▶ ~The Change ( two ) ~"Off with their heads"~ ◀ #ruiner49 "Ten has now come down to four. Even Cassandra has departed. The Saudi Prince is not far behind her. How fitting we will be left with three. These three of course. Fitting since humans have become psychic vampires in too many cases. " Continue reading here >> https://www.minds.com/FreeQuinnSees/blog/the-change-two-off-with-their-heads-782585784858320901

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▶ ~Concepts~ ◀ #ruiner48 "You've been lied to. Had things hidden from you despite thinking you know it all. This is no excuse to stop flowing. Creating. Changing. Doing. "Being." Continue reading here >> https://www.minds.com/FreeQuinnSees/blog/concepts-782217669494448148

▶ Draco (Part Three: Impersonation) ◀ #ruiner47 "Going back to the earlier period is where they accomplished this deception for the first time. A feline race who had arrived. Lion like, and brilliant. The daughter of their king will be the example we use. She was called Sekhmet. Her love for humanity was unrivaled and she taught them everything the Draco would eventually deny. All the knowledge of soul." Continue reading here >> https://www.minds.com/FreeQuinnSees/blog/draco-part-three-impersonation-781862810513580048

▶ ~Singularity or Change: Frequency Correction and Choice~ ◀ #ruiner46 "What both sides will share will be an overlapping period of time where we will see the physical world give birth to something of a new vibration. As if the Earth is currently in a cocoon about to go from...See more

More from The Matrix

▶ ~Concepts~ ◀ #ruiner48 "You've been lied to. Had things hidden from you despite thinking you know it all. This is no excuse to stop flowing. Creating. Changing. Doing. "Being." Continue reading here >> https://www.minds.com/FreeQuinnSees/blog/concepts-782217669494448148

▶ Draco (Part Three: Impersonation) ◀ #ruiner47 "Going back to the earlier period is where they accomplished this deception for the first time. A feline race who had arrived. Lion like, and brilliant. The daughter of their king will be the example we use. She was called Sekhmet. Her love for humanity was unrivaled and she taught them everything the Draco would eventually deny. All the knowledge of soul." Continue reading here >> https://www.minds.com/FreeQuinnSees/blog/draco-part-three-impersonation-781862810513580048

▶ ~Singularity or Change: Frequency Correction and Choice~ ◀ #ruiner46 "What both sides will share will be an overlapping period of time where we will see the physical world give birth to something of a new vibration. As if the Earth is currently in a cocoon about to go from...See more