More from Pirate Radio Podcasts™ I entered my phone number and received a call from an automated service that connects you to senators etc. Press * when you're ready to be connected with the next one. Very simple. Do it!

PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE THIS FAR & WIDE. Our Freedom to communicate and access information is in severe jeopardy Our Net Neutrality is a must. Sign to fight against ending our net neutrality. Keep the Internet accessible and Fair.

More from Pirate Radio Podcasts™ I entered my phone number and received a call from an automated service that connects you to senators etc. Press * when you're ready to be connected with the next one. Very simple. Do it!

PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE THIS FAR & WIDE. Our Freedom to communicate and access information is in severe jeopardy Our Net Neutrality is a must. Sign to fight against ending our net neutrality. Keep the Internet accessible and Fair.