More from Community Resources

  • verified_user

We heard you were learning the real truth...

Maybe this is a weird idea, but after trying to chat to someone who was clearly a non-native speaker of English with a limited vocabulary today, it might be a good idea to start a group for non-native speakers of English who want to improve their English. For the record: I am a non-native speaker too. English is an intermediate language for me. This morning I felt bad for the person at the other end of the chat, because he did not know what I meant to say, and I was not using any difficult words

  • verified_user

#MindsGaming #Community -> May overlook Spolights and members In the spotlight.

More from Community Resources

  • verified_user

We heard you were learning the real truth...

Maybe this is a weird idea, but after trying to chat to someone who was clearly a non-native speaker of English with a limited vocabulary today, it might be a good idea to start a group for non-native speakers of English who want to improve their English. For the record: I am a non-native speaker too. English is an intermediate language for me. This morning I felt bad for the person at the other end of the chat, because he did not know what I meant to say, and I was not using any difficult words

  • verified_user

#MindsGaming #Community -> May overlook Spolights and members In the spotlight.