Charcoal ovens (kilns), memories of a by-gone mining era, NEVADA, U.S.

AI caption: the huts are lit up by the stars, black and white

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More from Castles, Mansions and Abandoned Places

AI caption: the cliffs of sagarmatha national park, ad

Rajgad Fort, north INDIA, built about 400 years ago as protection against aggressive Indo-Turkic moslems in Mongolia.

AI caption: a living room with a fireplace and a chair, old fashioned

🤎💚 Restored medieval cottage with original fireplace (not shown)

More from Castles, Mansions and Abandoned Places

AI caption: the cliffs of sagarmatha national park, ad

Rajgad Fort, north INDIA, built about 400 years ago as protection against aggressive Indo-Turkic moslems in Mongolia.

AI caption: a living room with a fireplace and a chair, old fashioned

🤎💚 Restored medieval cottage with original fireplace (not shown)