Living under the largest government in history, we probably should heed this warning ....

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Of all the Acts of Parliament that angered the American colonists and led to the Revolutionary War, the Declaratory Act is possibly one of the most important, but probably the least-known. It attempted to affirm unlimited, centralized power over the colonies, and patriots repeatedly railed against its assertion of British power “in all cases whatsoever”

Rights are not gifts from government.

Those of us who monitor the government’s destruction of personal liberties have been warning for a generation that government spying is rampant in the U.S., and the feds regularly engage in it as part of law enforcement’s well-known antipathy to the Fourth Amendment. Last week, the FBI admitted as much. -Andrew Napolitano

More from TenthAmendmentCenter

Of all the Acts of Parliament that angered the American colonists and led to the Revolutionary War, the Declaratory Act is possibly one of the most important, but probably the least-known. It attempted to affirm unlimited, centralized power over the colonies, and patriots repeatedly railed against its assertion of British power “in all cases whatsoever”

Rights are not gifts from government.

Those of us who monitor the government’s destruction of personal liberties have been warning for a generation that government spying is rampant in the U.S., and the feds regularly engage in it as part of law enforcement’s well-known antipathy to the Fourth Amendment. Last week, the FBI admitted as much. -Andrew Napolitano