A Life by Alex Danchev, review: Reveals a figure so repellent, he’s ultimately unknowable

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Maître de la peinture surréaliste belge, René Magritte a profondément marqué l’art de notre pays. Ses œuvres sont connues dans le monde entier et inspirent encore aujourd’hui de nombreux artistes. A travers son travail, il fait appel à notre imaginaire et quand on se plonge dans son univers, on a inévitablement la tête dans les nuages.

René Magritte The Reckless Sleeper -- 1928

This work is made from a plaster copy of the death mask of the French Emperor Napoleon. A death mask is made by placing a mixture of plaster or wax over a person's face once they have died to create a mould. Magritte painted at least five of these casts, each with sky and clouds. The artist’s friend the surrealist poet Paul Nougé suggested an association between death, dreams and the depth of the sky. He commented: ‘a patch of sky traversed by clouds and dreams [can] transfigure the very face of death in a totally unexpected way’.

More from Renee Krokan

Maître de la peinture surréaliste belge, René Magritte a profondément marqué l’art de notre pays. Ses œuvres sont connues dans le monde entier et inspirent encore aujourd’hui de nombreux artistes. A travers son travail, il fait appel à notre imaginaire et quand on se plonge dans son univers, on a inévitablement la tête dans les nuages.

René Magritte The Reckless Sleeper -- 1928

This work is made from a plaster copy of the death mask of the French Emperor Napoleon. A death mask is made by placing a mixture of plaster or wax over a person's face once they have died to create a mould. Magritte painted at least five of these casts, each with sky and clouds. The artist’s friend the surrealist poet Paul Nougé suggested an association between death, dreams and the depth of the sky. He commented: ‘a patch of sky traversed by clouds and dreams [can] transfigure the very face of death in a totally unexpected way’.