"Thomas Paine was likely the most ardent and radical republican of his time, transcending virtually all of his peers. Even so, he tended to separate his trademark disdain for hereditary monarchy in general with attacks against specific monarchs. As he believed, such focus on a single individual was too short-sighted, and merely scratched the surface when it came to the evils of monarchy in general." -Dave Benner https://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2021/10/thomas-paines-declaration-of-war-against-monarchy/

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"Unauthoritative, void, and of no force" is the perfect way to describe most federal acts, laws, rules, regulations and orders on the books today. It's time to treat them that way too. #nullify #constitution #10thAmendment #libertarian #founders

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There have been two conflicting visions in American history that have shaped our nation. As conditions in the United States continue to worsen, it is important that Americans engage in serious soul-searching to determine which vision should be embraced going forward. -Jacob Hornberger https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/2021/10/25/the-conflicts-of-visions-that-shaped-america/

"Unauthoritative, void, and of no force" is the perfect way to describe most federal acts, laws, rules, regulations and orders on the books today. It's time to treat them that way too. #nullify #constitution #10thAmendment #libertarian #founders