Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. ”Believing something is possible puts the wheels in motion for your goal to be reached. What are you believing today?

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The Chinese character for CRISIS (weiji) was believed to be composed of the words DANGER (wei) and OPPORTUNITY (ji). This was widely used in speeches and scripts... until it was proven to be an etymological fallacy. Still, the lesson is brought to its readers and listeners is very valuable. It reminds us to treat trials we encounter as two-faced creatures. We usually only see the face of danger and rarely the face of opportunity.

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The Chinese character for CRISIS (weiji) was believed to be composed of the words DANGER (wei) and OPPORTUNITY (ji). This was widely used in speeches and scripts... until it was proven to be an etymological fallacy. Still, the lesson is brought to its readers and listeners is very valuable. It reminds us to treat trials we encounter as two-faced creatures. We usually only see the face of danger and rarely the face of opportunity.