By Shane Sweeney, seen on the internet with this comment that you'd better believe I'm gonna quote: "Dr. Frank has that John Prine quality of finding the humor in heartbreak."

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Our pal Brian discovered the MTX and Queers posters that appear in the record store in the movie High Fidelity. Forgot all about this -- as I remember, it was rather hard to spot in the film itself, but it was still hitting the bigtime, in the most minor way possible.

Saint Francis before the Pope: The Granting of the Indulgence of the Portiuncula by Sassetta, ca. 1437 #romancalendar #Portiuncula_Indulgence #Our_Lady_of_the_Angels #art #minds

More from Dr Frank

Our pal Brian discovered the MTX and Queers posters that appear in the record store in the movie High Fidelity. Forgot all about this -- as I remember, it was rather hard to spot in the film itself, but it was still hitting the bigtime, in the most minor way possible.

Saint Francis before the Pope: The Granting of the Indulgence of the Portiuncula by Sassetta, ca. 1437 #romancalendar #Portiuncula_Indulgence #Our_Lady_of_the_Angels #art #minds