More from Prospero-san ⚜️

H u r r a h❗️ “…the current Democratic Congress is enacting more race-conscious programs and the Biden administration is happily implementing them. Yet the federal judiciary, newly stocked with Trump appointees, is poised to interpret the Constitution as colorblind and strike...See more

It’s a lose-lose proposition to be on the wrong side of a political issue so strongly felt by the US electorate. It’s even tougher when you’re desperate to keep your margins of power in Washington.

More from Prospero-san ⚜️

H u r r a h❗️ “…the current Democratic Congress is enacting more race-conscious programs and the Biden administration is happily implementing them. Yet the federal judiciary, newly stocked with Trump appointees, is poised to interpret the Constitution as colorblind and strike...See more

It’s a lose-lose proposition to be on the wrong side of a political issue so strongly felt by the US electorate. It’s even tougher when you’re desperate to keep your margins of power in Washington.