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H u r r a h❗️ “…the current Democratic Congress is enacting more race-conscious programs and the Biden administration is happily implementing them. Yet the federal judiciary, newly stocked with Trump appointees, is poised to interpret the Constitution as colorblind and strike...See more

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More from Prospero-san ⚜️

It’s a lose-lose proposition to be on the wrong side of a political issue so strongly felt by the US electorate. It’s even tougher when you’re desperate to keep your margins of power in Washington.

UNDER TRUMP: “…in the first three years of the Trump presidency, as unemployment nearly vanished, illegal immigration was almost completely stopped, and American economic growth soared, generated by an increasing workforce among the lowest 20 percent of income earners.” UNDER...See more

If a state sponsored ‘place of higher learning’ is NOT in existence for the public good, then why is it being funded by the state? “This faculty groupthink, the thought goes, has affected the relationship of universities to broader society, particularly state-run and...See more

More from Prospero-san ⚜️

It’s a lose-lose proposition to be on the wrong side of a political issue so strongly felt by the US electorate. It’s even tougher when you’re desperate to keep your margins of power in Washington.

UNDER TRUMP: “…in the first three years of the Trump presidency, as unemployment nearly vanished, illegal immigration was almost completely stopped, and American economic growth soared, generated by an increasing workforce among the lowest 20 percent of income earners.” UNDER...See more

If a state sponsored ‘place of higher learning’ is NOT in existence for the public good, then why is it being funded by the state? “This faculty groupthink, the thought goes, has affected the relationship of universities to broader society, particularly state-run and...See more